…by hosting Protest ABQ By Tara Shaver Los Lunas, NM- San Clemente Parish in Los Lunas, New Mexico raised...
By Bud Shaver Albuquerque, NM- Eight years ago Tara and I joined a group of peaceful pro-life protesters in...
By Tara Shaver Albuquerque, NM- This week thousands will gather in Santa Fe to attend a pro-life...
By Tara Shaver, Albuquerque, NM- Congressman Steve Pearce (R- District 2) issued a statement today in response...
By Tara Shaver, Albuquerque, NM- The Select Panel on Infant Lives has issued their final 471 page report after...
Dear Friends, As 2016 comes to an end, we’d like to share with you a glimpse into...
Albuquerque, NM – The U.S. Congress Select Investigative Committee has issued a SECOND criminal referral to New Mexico Attorney General Hector...
Dear Pro-Life Friend, Greetings! November was an amazing month on many fronts. Locally we announced our new...
LifeMinistriesUS (Non-Profit Umbrella Ministry) Founded by Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest: A consortium of ministries dedicated to obtaining constitutional protection...
#GivingTuesday 2016: Support Pro-Life Missionaries We have the best supporters on the planet praying for us, encouraging...
Blessings to You on this Thanksgiving Day! Today as we spend time with family and friends may...
(FBI involved! Chapel and foyer burned.) Arson suspected at Project Defending Life and Holy Innocents Chapel in...
Strategic Protests and other Public Awareness Efforts Directed at NM Attorney General, Hector Balderas Announced… By Tara Shaver...
By Tara Shaver Albuquerque, NM- Yesterday’s election proved to be a hopeful victory for pre-born children in...
This Is About As RAW As It Gets… Albuquerque, NM – In an effort to create more awareness...
Major Project Launching Next Month. Stay Tuned… Dear Pro-Life Friend, Our ministry in New Mexico is unique...
By Tara Shaver, Protest ABQ sponsored TWO concurrent “Vote Pro-Life” Protests in Los Lunas and Edgewood, New...
By Tara Shaver, Belen, NM – Statewide early voting kicked off on Saturday, October 22, 2016 across New...
By Tara Shaver Albuquerque, NM – In New Mexico we MUST take a stand against the unrestricted tyranny...
Read Why New Mexico MUST Vote TRUMP: #ProtestPP We Must Protest Evil and We Must Vote Pro-Life on...
By Tara Shaver #ProtestPP: Albuquerque, New Mexico – Sponsored by Protest ABQ, 40 Days for Life, and...
Dear Pro-Life Friend, This month the National Catholic Register published a timely comprehensive report about our efforts...
By Tara Shaver Corrales, NM – There are three key seats in the New Mexico Senate where...
(July 17, 2015- Protest/Press Conference Calling for a Statewide Investigation into Baby Body Parts Harvesting in New Mexico) PRAYERS ARE STILL...
(July 17, 2015- Protest/Press Conference Calling for a Statewide Investigation into Baby Body Parts Harvesting in New Mexico) By Tara Shaver...
By Tara Shaver Albuquerque, NM – Catholic Senator, Michael Padilla (D) hosted a fundraiser “honoring” Maggie Toulouse...
THROWBACK THURSDAY… to August 29, 2012 By Bud Shaver (This post originally appeared on www.standforlife.net) Injustice taints and...
Dear Pro-Life Friend, This month a University of New Mexico (UNM) insider shared an email with us...
Planned Parenthood is Really Getting Desperate (Pic by Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest) Fr. Stephen Imbarrato:...
(BUSTED: Dr. Paul Roth CEO ) By Tara Shaver Albuquerque, NM- A University of New Mexico (UNM) insider...
(Retired NASA Astronaut, Colonel Sid Gutierrez Picture by Protest ABQ) This is an editorial that my friend, retired...
By Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest New York Post: Sickening murder of 10-year-old ‘the most gruesome...
By Tara Shaver Albuquerque, NM- On August 16, 2016 The UNM Health Sciences Center held a meeting...