What’s Next? Join us for Community Strategy and Featured Guest Speakers from Operation Rescue, Survivors, Created Equal, Life...
The month of July was a roller coaster in so many ways. Ultimately, however, the Christian community...
This report was written by and originally appeared at www.operationrescue.org Operation Rescue will join Project Defending Life...
Late-Term Abortions in Albuquerque, New Mexico Part 1- Interview with Bud Shaver Late-Term Abortions in Albuquerque, New...
PP Tells Undercover Caller Probably Won’t Report Statutory Rape This article was on www.breitbart.com based on our...
The month of May was incredibly encouraging as God brought out workers for the ripe New Mexico ...
[slideshow_deploy id=’1147′] Recently a press conference and rally were held at the late-term abortion facility, Southwestern Women’s...
Here is a list of businesses/events to boycott and contact. These businesses are helping to keep abortion...
The sidewalk in front of the the late-term abortion facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was the setting...
By Tara Shaver Albuquerque, NM — Abortionist Kermit Gosnell is currently awaiting a verdict from the jury...
The Activist talking to the Pastors! Bud Shaver spoke to the Christian leaders during the National Day...
Tara Shaver is interviewed on a local Christian TV station KAZQ TV-32. Great interview with great questions...
In April we were blessed to see more people getting involved in the pro-life movement in ABQ....
This month was another busy one. It never ceases to amaze us how much work there is...
(Pictured above, Kristan Hawkins & Brendan O’Morchoe of Students For Life of America with us at SWO…We...
God Answers Prayer This January marked the 40th year of legalized abortion in America. While all around...
Ruling expected soon in disciplinary case initiated by pro-life groups By Cheryl Sullenger Albuquerque, NM – New...
Join Us… Wednesday, January 16th 2013 This year marks the 40th anniversary of legalized abortion in America....
We have learned that ministry is simply planting seeds. Seeds of service, prayer, and conversation. These seeds...
At the end of November, we were able to see a glimpse of the fruit of our...
Press Conference Thursday, November 29th at 10:00am at the New Mexico Medical Society November 29th, Albuquerque, NM-...
Our family would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful...
The Calvary Has Arrived! This month, the 40 Days For Life campaign was out in full force!...
This month we learned that as we step out in faith, God can use us to Light...
Simply Being Present Is All It Takes To Save A Life… This month God used our prayerful...
In the widely-viewed film 180, there is a young man named Steve with a Mohawk, tattoos, and...
On UNM Campus with Survivors!The Survivors Campus Life Tour visited ABQ and brought their displays out to...
Another day in our lives… One morning this month I got ready to head over to the...
Picking up Momentum The past couple of months have been productive, but at the same time we’ve...
And Now There Are Four! Our family would like to announce the conception or our second...
“Doing everything for the glory of God” Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day (SOLAUD) 2012 Every...
SOLAUD 2012 (Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day) Please Join us in Santa Fe: Wednesday January...
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life...