And Now There Are Four! Our family would like to announce the conception or our second...
“Doing everything for the glory of God” Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day (SOLAUD) 2012 Every...
SOLAUD 2012 (Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day) Please Join us in Santa Fe: Wednesday January...
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life...
The end of October and first week of November for us was a time of refreshing and...
Investigation Reveals Tax Funded Abortions In October, Project Defending Life and Operation Rescue, launched an investigation showing...
Encouraging Meeting with Governor Susana Martinez This month Bud and I along with Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Director...
One Step Closer-Update In August we experienced more twists and turns with regard to our last newsletter....
One Step Closer… We are continually amazed how God is moving and working here in Albuquerque. He...
Another Child is Born! God continues to heap blessing upon blessing on our efforts here in New...
In May we were blessed to see 2 more babies born. You may remember the testimony from...
The hardest thing each day at the abortion clinic is when it’s time to leave. However, one...
John 15:5: Bear Much Fruit This month we have begun to see the fruit of our labor...
Tara and I met at a Bible College in Texas where God gave us a heart for...