Simply Being Present Is All It Takes To Save A Life…
This month God used our prayerful pro-life witness at the abortion mill’s and
as a result, there were several turnaround’s and we were able to speak with/help numerous people. It always amazes me how we can light up the darkness by being present at the abortion clinic for women in their darkest hour and share with them life-affirming alternatives! How else will they know?! While we wait and pray for the Supreme Court and for our own state legislators to end to abortion…we are ending abortion one woman, one child, one day at a time by serving and by simply being there! Thank you for your continued prayers and support…together we are lighting up the darkness!
If you want to know how you can Stand
For Life, here is a great place to start…on
your knees!
This month, we had a great turnout
from the largest local church,
Calvary Chapel ABQ
This woman was walking by, saw our presence
and stopped to share her abortion
testimony and how she turned to Christ
and was forgiven….now Christ is using her
to witness and minister to others! This is
the power of the God we serve!
We do interact with both local law enforcement
and the FBI. We are appreciative
of their public service, and it allows
us opportunities to build bridges with
them. They understand that our public
presence is legal and always peaceful!
“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this
dark world!” ~Ephesians 6:12
The Mainstream Media Publicizes The Truth About Abortion
This month a local news station KOAT Channel 7 interviewed Bud out at Late-Term abortion clinic Southwestern Women’s Options. (You can visit our blog by clicking here, to read KOAT’s coverage.) While we always have our critique of the media, we are encouraged that our talking points are getting aired about Albuquerque being the Late-Term Abortion Capital of the country, and the media is focusing on the truth about abortion. This is vital, because as our dear friend and Director of Project Defending Life Fr. Stephen Imbarrato stated, “I truly believe that publicity helps us, not them”…when people do talk about the reality of abortion and are educated…we always win, because lives are saved and minds are changed! The next day after KOAT aired the story, New Mexico’s most listened to talk radio station ,KKOB interviewed Bud and opened up the phone lines for peoples comments and reaction’s to the brutality of abortion, and the public use of graphic images to reveal the truth about abortion. My good friend Mon-te Harms of Stand For Life listened to the show that day and he wrote up a wonderful summary:
By, Monte Harms- Stand For Life
In the last week a truck with photos of the truth has been getting a fair amount of publicity in Albuquerque. Local ABC affiliate KOAT-TV aired a story about the “truth truck” that has abortion photos on its side. Pro-life activist Bud Shaver drives the truck around town and parks it across the street from the late-term abortion facility, Southwestern Women’s Options, while he is peacefully counseling women and men at SWO…
Read the rest of the article by clicking here: The Mainstream Media Publicizes The Truth About Abortion
Please Pray :
~For an end to abortion in New Mexico.
~For the conversion of every abortion doctor and clinic worker.
~For softened hearts of the women we speak to each day at abortion clinics.
~For the moms who have already chosen life and for the means to continue to serve them.
~For a continued grace filled and Christ centered ministry focus.
~For more opportunities to share the truth about abortion and it’s effects with
the Christian community.
~For the Christian community to rise up out of apathy and a spiritual awakening.
~For more workers for this ripe harvest.
~For our safety in this spiritual battle.
Please visit our blog throughout the month, for the most recent updates:
We are full-time Pro-Life Missionaries and raise our own support from individuals
who have a heart for our life saving work!
All donations made out to Project Defending Life, earmarked for “Bud or
Tara Shaver” are tax deductible and can be mailed to:
Bud and Tara Shaver
P.O. Box 50351
Albuquerque, NM 87181
Your generous support makes our work possible!
“The harvest is plentiful, but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out
workers into his harvest field. “
Luke 10:2