By Bud Shaver,
​Albuquerque, New Mexico- Abortion Free New Mexico has confirmed that the notorious Southwestern Women’s Options abortion facility is no longer performing third trimester abortions. Citing staff shortages and overwhelming clientele from out of state, they are now referring to other abortion facilities in Colorado, Maryland and Washington D.C.
Southwestern Women’s Options is the abortion facility where the late Carmen Landau specialized in providing third trimester abortions. Her sudden death is presumably in part the reason for this abrupt change.
Southwestern Women’s Options is, however, still offering abortion pills in clinic, and by mail, as well as first and second trimester abortions through 23.6 weeks of pregnancy. This means that Albuquerque currently has two abortion facilities that offer abortions up to six months of pregnancy, Southwestern Women’s Options and the University of New Mexico Center for Reproductive Health.
Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
Since 2010 Abortion Free New Mexico has worked to see the day when Curtis Boyd and Southwestern Women’s Options would no longer give New Mexico the reputation of being the late-term abortion capital of the nation. After years of public exposure, relentless pressure and lots of prayer, t
hat day has finally come. This is a small victory, especially for third trimester babies, that Southwestern Women’s Options is no longer equipped to kill. Every abortion is a tragedy because it takes a human life but late-term abortions are particularly disturbing because they are performed on viable babies in the latest stages of pregnancy. We hope and pray that this is just the beginning of the end of all abortions in our state and we will keep fighting to be a voice for unborn children and to help women choose life with compassionate life affirming resources.”