Albuquerque, NM- Prayer and fasting is powerful, through this spiritual struggle, we are confident that the Lord is breaking the strongholds that are keeping abortion in New Mexico. We may not know exactly how He will respond according to His will through our prayers, but we can be sure that He wants babies lives to be spared even more than we do.
This week, we were encouraged when we received a phone call, out of the blue, by a relative of Curtis Boyd! Not a coincidence at all to receive this call during the third week of prayer and fasting to specifically end abortion in our state where Curtis Boyd has capitalized on the lack of any common sense abortion regulations and has single handedly transformed New Mexico into the Late-Term Abortion Capital of America. This relative called us with an apologetic heart for what Curtis Boyd has brought to our state and had been led by the Lord, while she has also been praying and fasting, to reach out to us! God is so good, His timing and plans are perfect. This week we’d ask that you pray for this relative as she joins us in our united effort of prayer and fasting as she seeks the Lord to break the generational curse that Curtis Boyd’s legacy of death has brought upon her family.
Join us as we continue to seek the Lord through prayer and fasting asking Him to break the strongholds that are keeping abortion in New Mexico. We are stronger together in this battle for life!
This week’s scripture reading is from, 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
Over the next three weeks please join us as we continue to faithfully pray and fast to fight this battle spiritually to end all abortions in New Mexico, we are trusting and believing that the Lord is already using this united effort to accomplish His will for our state.
Each Wednesday we will send you a passage of scripture to pray and meditate on.
Prayer Points:
- An end to all abortion in New Mexico.
- For strongholds that are keeping abortion in New Mexico to be broken.
- For the closure of the last 5 abortion facilities in the state.
- For the women considering an abortion.
- For the conversion of all abortion facility workers.
- For the women who’ve participated in a previous abortion and need healing.
- For the upcoming 2018 New Mexico election.
- NEW PRAYER POINT: For almost a year now Planned Parenthood has been severely limited in their ability to provide abortions due, in part, to a nursing board complaint filed by Tara Shaver back in 2016. The New Mexico Nursing Board ruling is supposed to be issued this Spring.
Note: Fasting can be done in many ways.
- Some may choose to fast from sunrise to sunset.
- Others may choose to fast from 6:00am-3:00pm as a partial fast.
- For others, a fast might be one full meal for the day, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal.
Abortion Free New Mexico has been asked to join in weekly prayer and fasting for an end to abortion in New Mexico over the next three Wednesdays until March 28th. We invite those in the body of Christ who are able to join us in this spiritual discipline to break the stronghold and spirit of death that surrounds us.
This is a united effort between both Non-Catholic and Catholic Christians who are committed to ending abortion in New Mexico. For more information during the season of Lent Catholics are encouraged to visit this website.