By Tara Shaver
BREAKING: Abortion Free New Mexico Joins ProgressNow New Mexico Calling for ABQ City Council President Pat Davis to Resign
Albuquerque, New Mexico- In a comprehensive post and statement made by Progress Now New Mexico on June 25, 2020, ProgressNow New Mexico disavowed their former Executive Director Pat Davis and threw him under the #CancelCulture bus.

ProgressNow New Mexico issued the following statement,
“This week, new details have surfaced regarding former ProgressNow New Mexico Executive Director and Albuquerque City Councilor Pat Davis’ shooting of a Black man while working as a cop in Washington D.C. Davis originally founded ProgressNow New Mexico but left the organization in 2017 and while his name is attached to the organization and its beginnings, we want to state clearly that his past and present actions are not reflective of ProgressNow New Mexico values.”
- Read their post here: ProgressNow New Mexico Statement on Councilor Davis’ Shooting of a Black Man and Pattern of Upholding Racist Institutions
Pat Davis made national news and was featured on Tucker Carlson’s show when he ran for U.S. Congress (CD1) in 2018 for his “F— The NRA” campaign. At that time Pat Davis stated,
“[Pro-gun] policies resulted in dead children, dead mothers and dead fathers. Being polite hasn’t made our schools any safer or protected officers like I used to be.”
Tucker Carlson fired back,
“How many NRA members have committed mass shootings?”
While Pat Davis could not name any questionable NRA member shootings at the time, ironically now City Councilor Pat Davis is under fire politically for his own questionable shooting of a black man!

Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“Pat Davis and his egregious actions is the TRUE face of the radical left and what they do when given a position of power. We’ve been exposing and opposing Pat Davis for years! Well ProgressNow New Mexico we finally agree on something, Yes! City Councilor Pat Davis needs to resign.”
Abortion Free New Mexico has been at the forefront over the years, of exposing Pat Davis’ radical pro-abortion agenda. Click the link below for a comprehensive recap of our efforts exposing, opposing and our previous calls for the resignation of City Councilor Pat Davis over the years.