Dear Friends,
As the dust clears after a hard fought political battle in New Mexico, we must pick ourselves up and continue to move forward. We are thankful to Congressman Steve Pearce, Michelle Garcia Holmes and all of the republican candidates, for laying it all on the line and remaining faithful to their vision for New Mexico! Unfortunately, the radically progressive democrats have gained control of the Governor’s Office and both legislative chambers in New Mexico giving them free reign to push whatever agenda they wish. They’ve already stated their desire to repeal the criminal abortion statue passed in 1969 but most of it has never been enforced. Our prayer is that this election was just the beginning of leaders rising up who are bold Christians that affirm life. We’re SO encouraged by those who ran for office and trust that God is still moving here despite the election losses.
- We were reminded by one of the candidates that while we didn’t win this battle, we will win the war.
As the saying goes, “Money buys elections” and the New Mexico abortion cartel invested heavily in this midterm election. This month we published several articles, one revealing how Planned Parenthood invested $300,000 dollars into the election, half of which went to one candidate alone…our new Governor: Michelle Lujan Grisham. We published another article exposing radical progressive leftists in the office of the New Mexico Secretary of State…which directly oversees the election results.
Thank you for standing with us these past few months in prayer for the New Mexico election, the candidates and our tireless efforts. We give thanks to the Lord for His provision as we built so many bridges, visited so many churches and allowed us to see the fruit of our years of labor. May His will always be done in us and through your faithful support. You are a blessing for life in New Mexico and we pray for you and ask that God blesses you as 2018 comes to an end!
While the New Mexico abortion cartel believes that their money and control can dominate New Mexico politically, the lives of pre-born children remain in jeopardy and it’s our mission to continue moving forward to ensure that every life in New Mexico is valued and protected.
“It is clear that New Mexico’s new governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, is bought and paid for by the New Mexico abortion cartel to ensure that their business of killing babies up to the day of birth continues unabated. While they have won this battle, we are determined to win the war. All the money in the world doesn’t buy the moral high ground and we still maintain that territory in New Mexico. While New Mexico democrats are willing to steal, kill, and destroy New Mexico’s future for their lust of power, we are fighting for the lives of pre-born children and a better future for all New Mexicans,” stated Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico.
Potential Election Fraud Touches New Mexico in race between Yvette Herrell (R) and liberal democrat candidate…
Alex Curtas who worked as “Communications Director” for the RADICAL LEFTIST group Progress Now New Mexico IS NOW THE “Communications Director” for the Office of the New Mexico Secretary of State and is giving statements about an ongoing investigation…
(Wait for it)
“New Mexico Secretary of State spokesman Alex Curtas said Friday the office is scheduled to certify results by Nov. 27 that will show, according to unofficial results, Torres Small defeating Republican Yvette Herrell.”
Oh yeah, New Mexicans should have real confidence that no shenanigans are going on…
“It’s not the Russians that are influencing, giving public statements regarding an ongoing election fraud investigation and who’ve already been blocked by the New Mexico Supreme Court for attempting to rig our election. In New Mexico, apparently it is the RADICAL LEFTIST DEMOCRATS in the Office of the New Mexico Secretary of State. Every New Mexican voter, regardless of political ideology, should be concerned whenever an EXTREME political bias has been exposed as running rampant throughout the very office that is supposed to safeguard free and fair elections in New Mexico,” stated Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico.
So much for free and fair elections in New Mexico…
On November 3rd, the Santa Fe New Mexican published an article titled, Abortion-seekers find support in New Mexico interfaith group. This article was meant to highlight the efforts of “religious” pro-abortion groups that help women kill their babies in New Mexico. It stated in part:
“The Shavers have made campaigning against abortion their life’s work. Albuquerque, they often say, is “the late-term abortion capital of the world,” “Tara Shaver said she finds the religious coalition’s pro-faith, pro-abortion rights agenda “ironic.” “They support the killing of babies, and they’re helping women to kill their babies,” she said. “Being religious doesn’t buffer that at all.”
In this article, it was very troubling that the pro-aborts admit and even revel in the dark reputation that New Mexico has in a statement issued by abortion advocate, Sandra Penn, when she states,
“I know that in some circles [New Mexico is] considered the worst place in hell for Americans, or something like that,” Penn said. “… But we’ve got to be damn proud that this is a place that women can look to, and where women feel safe.”
On Wednesday November 21, 2018 Church Militant, published an article titled, “NEW MEXICO PRO-ABORTS BRACING FOR ROE REPEAL”
Abortion Free New Mexico leader Bud Shaver, in a statement to Church Militant, said about the situation in the state, “Abortion is legal and being performed up to the the day of birth in New Mexico and New Mexico medicaid pays for it 100 percent.”Shaver continued: “We hope Catholic leadership will directly reach out to Catholic legislators and ask them not to support this radical leftist agenda. Unfortunately, in the past, Catholic Democrats have put allegiance to their party over their faith and voted against pro-life legislation, which is cause for concern as we anticipate the upcoming legislative session in New Mexico.”
On Friday November, 23 2018 One News Now, published an article titled, “NM Dems aim to demolish pro-life law”
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico tells One News Now it would be a strong law — if it was enforced in a state already known for allowing late-term abortions. Parts of the measure that are enforceable include a requirement that only a physician perform an abortion, and a woman must give her full consent before her child can be terminated. Shaver says liberal Democrats who now dominate the legislature want to repeal the law, but she warns those legislators are failing to think through this plan to overturn it. “They’re really taking choices away from women,” she says, “and they’re putting women in vulnerable situations that we think that they should be protected from.” New Mexico pro-lifers are asking their lawmakers in both houses to oppose repeal of the 1969, and Shaver asks people in other states to keep New Mexico in prayer.
Our Sincerest Gratitude
“Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
We thank each one of you for your continued prayers and support and for standing with us as we serve New Mexico as pro-life missionaries. We thank the Lord for this mission field that He has called us to and that He leads us every step of the way on our journey of faith! We have been through so much together over the past 8 years and we look forward to what God has in store for New Mexico in the new year.
We know that you have many choices in the ministries you support. We are grateful that you have a heart for local missions and that you realize that our culture is in desperate need for the gospel of Christ and the gospel of life.
We sincerely thank those of you who give when you can and those who sacrificially give monthly. Your support makes it possible for us to do this important work full time.
There are many who tithe to local churches but only a few are willing to tithe to ministries like ours. We ask that you prayerfully consider a year end tax deductible donation or starting a monthly gift to our ministry in 2019.
- Click here to make a tax deductible donation securely online
- If you would prefer to mail a tax deductible donation you can send it to:P.O. Box 50351
Albuquerque, NM 87181
Please make your check out to Life Ministries U.S.
May the Lord bless you and your family. Know that you are always in our prayers.
Thank you for standing with us for life!
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 8 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
- We are pursuing and working toward an abortion free New Mexico.
- We would be blessed to have you partner with us in this ministry. Your prayers and support are invaluable.
- You can Click here to make a secure donation online to schedule a secure monthly or one time tax deductible donation. Simply select Bud and Tara- Pro-Life Witness from the drop down ministry menu.
Blessings, Bud and Tara Shaver
Please pray with us for New Mexico
- That the New Mexico Criminal Abortion Statute will remain in effect. Efforts to repeal it during the upcoming legislative session in Jan-March are underway.
- The closure of New Mexico’s last 5 remaining abortion facilities.
- More awareness in our state, especially in the churches about abortion in our state and what they can do to partner with us to end it.
Invest in creating an Abortion Free New Mexico with your year end gift.
Thank you for helping us to be a shining light in the late term abortion capital of America. Without your faithful support New Mexico would not be at this turning point.
Would you be willing to make a special year end donation that will allow us to finish 2018 strong?
- Click HERE to make a tax deductible Year end gift today
- If you would prefer to mail a tax deductible donation you can send it to:P.O. Box 50351
Albuquerque, NM 87181
Please make your check out to Life Ministries U.S.
Your tax deductible gift of any amount will bless our family (Just earmark “Year end gift”) and you will receive this patriotic pro-life lapel pin as our thank you gift to you.
- Visit AbortionFreeNM.com for all of the reports from this month.