Santa Fe, New Mexico Sanctity of Life Awareness & Unity Day
Join Pro-Life Christians from all across the state as we stand up for the babies of New Mexico in conjunction with the start of the 2019 legislative session. The elected officials of New Mexico need to see our presence and hear our unified voice for Life!
Santa Fe, NM-(Wednesday, January 16, 2019) From Event Facebook Page: “Unite with fellow Christians and Catholics in celebration and affirmation of life from conception to natural death.”
There will be a noontime Mass at the Cathedral Basilica for our Catholic brothers and sisters. Meanwhile, we will be holding a Christian Worship and Prayer Service at the Capitol, before coming together for the Life Walk and rally at the Capitol.
11:30 AM
Casual Lunch (RSVP at fpaofnm.com/life) – State Capitol Room 307
11:45 AM
Christian Prayer and Worship Service – State Capitol Room 307
12:45 PM
Walk to Cathedral Basilica
1:10 PM
Life Walk from Cathedral Basilica to State Capitol
2:00 PM
Rally and Press Conference – State Capitol Rotunda
- For more details and updates join the facebook event page: Sanctity of Life Awareness & Unity Day
Albuquerque, New Mexico 2nd Annual Albuquerque March for Life

Albuquerque, NM-(Friday, January 18, 2019) Meet at 10am at the Bataan Memorial Park to March for Life around UNM, the heart of the New Mexico abortion cartel. It’s a 2.5 mile route and there will be people with water bottles at various points along the route.
“January is Sanctity of Life Month so let’s march for LIFE! Let’s let our community and our government know that we will not silently stand by and allow state and federally sanctioned homicide any longer—and do it with the peace and love of our Messiah in the public square.” Albuquerque March for Life Organizers
- Wear good walking shoes and bring shofars and tambourines and signs if you wish, signs will also be provided.
- Entire event will last from 10 AM-12 PM
Thank you for standing with us for life and truth!
“Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” (3 John 1:8)
- Check out our: 2018 Year in Review: Top 10 Highlights