Priests for Life and Abortion Free NM Release 10th and 11th Undercover Calls
Fr. Pavone: Time for the Myths to Stop About Late Term Abortion
- Report by Priests for Life, the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia.
In the 10th and 11th of the ongoing series of undercover phone calls that Priests for Life has commissioned to abortion clinics across America, the evidence continues to pile up that healthy babies of healthy mothers are being aborted legally in the later stages of pregnancy.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, stated, “This educational project, carried out in partnership with Abortion Free New Mexico, is meant to break through the ignorance and denial that is so prevalent among our fellow citizens. When you tell people that a mother can legally abort her baby at, for instance, 24 weeks of pregnancy – as the calls released today demonstrate – they will look at you in disbelief. Some will say we are making it up. Others will say it happens only if the mother is going to die or the baby is deformed. But it’s time for those myths to stop.”
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico explained, “The Cedar River Clinic and All Women’s Care in Washington state are performing abortions well after babies have been known to survive outside of the womb. These abortions are being done electively up to 26 weeks of pregnancy on healthy moms carrying healthy babies; fully funded at taxpayer’s expense. Late term post viability abortions are not as rare as one may think, they are occurring all across America.”
In the two phone calls released today, the caller successfully books an abortion appointment, having explained that she is 24 weeks along in her pregnancy, and that both she and the baby are healthy. These calls as well as the nine previous calls, which cover three other states, can be heard at www.PriestsForLife.org/LateTermAbortion.
Fr. Pavone stated, “People have a right to their own opinions, but they don’t have a right to their own facts. If we’re going to debate abortion in this country, rather than pretending to debate abortion, then we’re going to start with acknowledging that healthy babies of healthy mothers are being killed even at 24 weeks and beyond. On our other calls you can hear such appointments being set up for 26, 30 and 32 weeks into pregnancy.
“We urge people to take the links to these calls and spread them everywhere they can, on websites, via email, and on social media. Bring this information also to your pastors and urge them to inform their congregations,” Fr. Pavone added.
“Most Americans, including those who call themselves pro-choice, oppose late-term abortion. And now, we have an opportunity to protect babies in the womb from 20 weeks forward. We urge citizens to contact their US Senators to pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1922), which has already been passed by the House and which President Trump has promised to sign. Go to www.StopAbortionNow.org for more details.”
- Priests For Life’s report: Fr. Pavone: Time for the Myths to Stop About Late-Term Abortion