Priests for Life and Abortion Free New Mexico Continue Educational Campaign on Late Term Abortion
Phone Call Reveals Abortionist Carhart’s Willingness to Kill Healthy Babies of Healthy Mothers up to 28 Weeks into Pregnancy and Beyond
- Report by Priests for Life, the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia.
In the ninth of its undercover phone calls to legal abortion clinics in America, Priests for Life today released the audio of a call to the office of abortionist Leroy Carhart in Bethesda, MD, showing more evidence that late term abortions are performed on healthy babies of healthy mothers.
This educational project (www.priestsforlife.org/LateTermAbortion) is being carried out with the partnership of Abortion Free New Mexico (www.AbortionFreeNM).
“Once again, our undercover phone calls reveal yet another abortion clinic who was willing to schedule an abortion for a healthy mother carrying a healthy baby in the later stages of pregnancy, in this case, at 26 weeks,” said Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director.
Here is the relevant part of the phone call to the abortion business of abortionist Leroy Carhart in Bethesda, MD:
Clinic: “Do you have any major medical problems at all?” Caller: “No”
Clinic: “Is there anything wrong with you or your pregnancy?” Caller: “No”
Clinic: “At 26 weeks it’s $7000… We can see you up until 28 weeks; if there’s no medical reason after 28 weeks it’s a case by case basis.”
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico stated, “This latest undercover call reveals that Abortionist Leroy Carhart in Bethesda, MD is performing late term abortions on healthy women carrying healthy babies through 28 weeks of pregnancy. He is not, however, inclined to offer in office consultations for his patients who have questions before the 3-4 day abortion procedure. The abortion industry is not concerned with giving women information and choices; these profiteers are merely killers for hire who don’t want to answer any questions, they just want to get paid.”
The audio of this call can be heard at www.priestsforlife.org/LateTermAbortion. In previous taped calls, also available on that page, abortion appointments were made at two other legal abortion clinics for healthy moms carrying healthy babies at 25, 30 and 32 weeks.
At the present time, there is a legislative opportunity to end late term abortion, a goal supported by most Americans, including those who identify themselves as “pro-choice.”
“In the light of these facts, we are urging all US Senators to vote for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1622), to protect these children starting at 20 weeks of their development,” Fr. Pavone concluded.
For more information on the pending legislation, see www.StopAbortionNow.org. To learn more about Priests for Life, the largest anti-abortion ministry in the Catholic Church, visit www.ProLifeCentral.com.