March 10, 2025

4 thoughts on “Close UNMCRH Petition, Abortion Is Not Healthcare!

  1. I’m not sure when abortion was considered “health care”, but that could not be further from the truth. Health care should be for unforeseen problems, not choosing to take an innocent life. People really need a stiff reality check.

  2. It’s morally unconstitutional, I oppose HB 7, it’s not part of health net has been. Abortion is down right Murder. Why is it that an animal has more rights for protection than a life?

  3. Ashamed that New Mexico, which is prominent in leading the States at the top of all the “worst” lists, now has something even to top that….being known as the late term abortion capital of the entire nation. What a disgrace.

  4. Abortion indisputably is the calculated, pre-meditated murder of a baby in its mother’s womb. It is the savage extermination & cold, barbaric dismemberment of this precious baby. It is a denial of it inherent right to its own life. This innate right to exist is what all post-partum, emergent humans have experienced in their very first, initial stages of this human journey.

    Correctly viewed, abortion is an evil execution. It is the systemic death penalty visited upon an innocent human since 1973; in fact, these 60’000’000 precious, innocent, and defenseless babies during any stage (conception to nine months later at the point of its fetal pre-partum emergence from gestation).

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