By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, New Mexico– Abortion Free New Mexico’s latest investigation has uncovered that Oncore Health Solutions (a conglomerate of Oncore Technology LLC and BioCycle Inc.) is transporting babies that are aborted in New Mexico across state lines to be disposed of as biohazard waste in the state of Texas. These disposal facilities are located in Amarillo and Grand Prairie, TX.
Due to the recent SCOTUS decision, Texas law now bans babies from being aborted. However, no law currently exists preventing aborted babies from the neighboring state of New Mexico from being transported to Texas and disposed of as, “biohazard waste”.
“The fact that babies can’t be killed in Texas but aborted babies from New Mexico can be disposed of as biohazard waste in Texas by companies like Oncore/BioCycle must be remedied by the Texas legislature,” stated Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico.
This alarming discovery has come after months of documentation and several complaints with the New Mexico Environment Department.
In November 2020, local sidewalk advocates began sending Abortion Free New Mexico pictures of an unmarked waste hauler vehicle that routinely picked up the biohazard waste containers full of aborted babies that were killed at the Planned Parenthood surgical center in Albuquerque. Planned Parenthood performs abortions up to 19.6 weeks of pregnancy.

Abortion Free New Mexico filed a complaint with the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) based on the statute, NMAC (A) (7) and (8) which, requires commercial haulers of infectious waste to:
- (7) conspicuously label all solid waste collection vehicles with the company,municipality, or county department name;
- (8) conspicuously label all solid waste collection vehicles with the environment department registration number.
After a six month investigation the NMED determined that the company servicing Planned Parenthood was, “Oncore Technology LLC”, a waste hauler with an expired registration as of March 2019.
According to Thomas Simmons, the Operations Manager for Oncore Technology, they purchased BioCycle and no longer operated under the name “Oncore Technology” but are also known as Oncore Healthcare Solutions, LLC. However, they failed to re-register with the state of New Mexico and had been operating with multiple violations.
The NMED noted the following manifest violations with both the waste generator (Planned Parenthood) and the waste Hauler (Oncore Technology LLC.) These manifests accompany each pickup and transport of biohazard waste and document how much waste is being transported. On average there were two to three 28 gallon containers that were collected weekly from the Albuquerque Planned Parenthood surgical center between January-April 2021.
Of the 17 manifests Planned Parenthood submitted to NMED, all of the
“generator blocks of the special waste manifests were insufficiently completed.”
Oncore Technology LLC’s specific manifest violations are as follows:
- Oncore Technology LLC is currently an unregistered commercial hauler.
- The manifests used were in Oncore Technologies LLC’s name but BioCycle’s NMED commercial hauler registration number was used.
- The treatment facility block information required on the manifests was not completely filled-in and lacked the:
- telephone number of the facility
- total weight deposited/unloaded
- printed name of the facility’s representative
- the date of the signature
- section, instead of an actual hand-written signature.
- a signature stamp was used to “sign” the manifests in the treatment facility block
Oncore Technology was ultimately also found to be in violation of the following:
- Failure to re-register as a commercial hauler (unregistered commercial hauler), violation of NMAC, seventeen (17) instances of violation, occurring on or before January 8, 2021 to April 30, 2021;
- Misrepresentation of information on special waste manifests (used BioCycle’s NMED commercial hauler registration number), violation of NMAC, seventeen (17) instances of violation, occurring on or before January 8, 2021 to April 30, 2021;
- Failure to properly complete special waste manifests, violation of NMAC, seventeen (17) instances of violation, occurring on or before January 8, 2021 to April 30, 2021; and
- Failure to properly label vehicles for infectious waste removal, violation of (4) NMAC, seventeen (17) instances of violation, occurring on or before January 8, 2021 to April 30, 2021.
Just a Slap on the Wrist
In a letter dated May 19, 2021 from NMED Enforcement Officer Daniel Galasso to Amy Dickson, Chief Operating Officer of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, he simply instructs Planned Parenthood to begin filling out the special waste manifests properly to document chain of custody. Regarding Oncore Technology LLC, BioCycle and Oncore Health Technologies violations, they were instructed to correct the violations within 10 days.This amounts to nothing more than a slap on the wrist from the NMED even though there are legitimate documented violations of New Mexico statute that have occurred.
2nd Complaint Filed- Aborted Babies illegally transported in the Front Seat

On April 7, 2022, Abortion Free New Mexico’s Tara Shaver filed an additional complaint with the New Mexico Environment Department after volunteers outside of the Albuquerque Planned Parenthood took pictures and video of Oncore/BioCycle waste haulers illegally placing biohazard containers in the front seat of a pickup truck. These red bins contained the human remains of aborted children. The vehicle still lacked proper identification in accordance with New Mexico statute.
Dan Galasso, Enforcement Coordinator and Environmental Scientist informed Tara Shaver that the company has been instructed to correct these items of non-compliance but at this time, there has been no disciplinary action taken.
Abortion Free New Mexico has sent letters to Oncore/BioCycle’s President, Otley Smith, CEO Vernon Wells and Vice President, R. Mason Bryant to urge them to sever ties with Planned Parenthood of New Mexico. The Project Weak Link initiative that Abortion Free New Mexico has teamed up with Created Equal to implement in New Mexico believes that,
“If abortionists are going to kill babies, they should be forced to dispose of the bodies by themselves. The abortion industry does not exist by itself. It is deeply ingrained in cultural institutions, norms, and economies. To end abortion, we must decrease the industry’s relevance by socially and financially isolating it from other industries.”
It’s time to implement the next phase of this initiative because the New Mexico Environment Department has failed to properly discipline Oncore/BioCycle for their violations. Abortion Free New Mexico may be calling on the public in the coming weeks to let their voices be heard by Oncore/BioCycle leaders as well as leaders in the Texas Legislature.
Tara Shaver continued,
“Not only is Abortion Free New Mexico sounding the alarm about the transportation and disposal of aborted babies across state lines, we are also calling for the U.S. Congress to address the constitutional crisis that is looming for pre-born babies. How is the right to life lost by crossing a state line? This crisis is very reminiscent of the earliest days in this nation when free states and slave states existed. Surely we are not going back into that dark place where your place of residence determines your value. Pre-born babies all across America need and deserve constitutional personhood from the moment of conception.”