JULY NEWSLETTER 2016- Dear Pro-Life Friend,
This month the pro-aborts continued to characterize us as extremists! This time the attacks came from U.S. House Democrats in a public letter to the New Mexico Attorney General. Their goal was to use their authority to thwart and undermine the investigation initiated by our formal complaint from last year, which was subsequently substantiated by a criminal referral from U.S. House Republicans.
What the enemy intends for evil, God can use for His Glory.
This public attack gave us the opportunity to respond! The ABQ Journal published an article with our response to the Democrats accusation that we are extremists: Dems challenge allegations against UNM– “Tara Shaver of Protest ABQ, vigorously disputed Schakowsky’s characterization of their [group]. ‘Protest ABQ is a peaceful campaign committed to exposing abortion and to ending the atrocities committed against the most defenseless members of our community, those living in their mothers’ wombs. Democrats who believe that it’s okay to kill a baby in the womb up to the day of birth and then use their body parts for experimental research are the ones who have taken an extreme position.”
Read the ABQ Journal article here: Dems challenge allegations against UNM
Thank you so much for your prayers, words of encouragement and financial gifts as we faced many trials and persecution last month.
Praise God that He has provided a home for us with a Christian landlord, who is also a dear friend that is supportive of our pro-life ministry.
We are so blessed that our brothers and sisters have lifted us up when we needed it most!
“Don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.” Hebrews 13:16
This month Bud (representing Protest ABQ) joined a coalition of the nations leading pro-life activist organizations led by Created Equal for #OperationRNC which included: Operation Rescue, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, Citizens for A Pro-Life Society, Rev. Mahoney and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest of Priests for Life in Cleveland, Ohio (July 13-15) for the run-up to the Republican National Convention (RNC).
“We got everything we have asked for in the party platform. This shows that the pro-life movement is strong, influential, and here to stay until abortion is banned permanently.” Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue
(Pictured above in the middle praying outside RNC venue)
The goal of #OperationRNC was to demand that the RNC address defunding Planned Parenthood in the GOP party platform. In addition #OperationRNC was a public awareness campaign which included public prayer and several events designed to raise awareness of the injustice of abortion. As a result of #OperationRNC the Republican Party ratified the most pro-life platform EVER adopted by ANY Party. Our voices are being heard by our leaders and God is answering our prayers…let’s continue to be faithful and united in our fight for LIFE!
Recap with pictures here: #OperationRNC was a HUGE Success
The Line Has Been Drawn in the Sand…
While the RNC just ratified the most pro-life party platform EVER…the DNC just ratified the most radical pro-abortion party platform EVER! The line drawn in the sand has never been more defined.
As a faith community we must hold our leaders accountable ESPECIALLY if they claim to be Christians! With Fr. Imbarrato: The Protest Priest leading the charge, Protest ABQ is continuing to protest Pro-abort Catholic Dems who are putting their Party before their Faith.
(Protest U.S. Rep-Ben R. Lujan (D-NM) during his DNC speech)
Read more here: Protest Ben R. Luján, Another Pro-Abort Catholic (D) During DNC Speech
Are Anti-Abortion Activists Determined to Topple Their Pro-Life Governor?
New Mexico governor Susana Martinez has come under fire from anti-abortion groups for not doing enough to help their cause.
“Does a local group like Protest ABQ have enough clout that their disapproval could keep a politician off a short list for higher office?
Read about our efforts featured in and questions asked by…Cosmopolitan
Governor Susana Martinez’s Political Star Has Burned Out!
By, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest of Priests for Life and founder of Protest ABQ
Albuquerque, NM- Recently the Albuquerque Journal ran an article pointing out how the political fortunes of New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez have taken a downturn in the last 4 years. Indeed, 4 years ago, Governor Martinez was a bright star in the Republican party as the first female latina governor. She still is the head of the Republican Governors Association, but clearly she does not have the political profile she enjoyed even a year or two ago…
Continue reading: Governor Susana Martinez’s Political Star Has Burned Out!
Thank YOU for standing with us, for your prayers and for making our pro-life efforts in New Mexico possible!
Love in Christ,
The Shaver Family
“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7