By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico- Last week, Abortion Free New Mexico asked the pro-life community to help with a last minute donation to help pay rent for a mother who turned away from Southwestern Women’s Options and chose life for her baby. Within 24 hours YOU provided all of the money needed to cover the cost of one months rent. Tara has been in contact with the couple’s landlord, and mailed the rent check which is due to arrive today, July 3rd.
We are grateful to have you partner with us to meet the needs of women who choose life for their babies, yet face uncertain circumstances. This is the beauty of the pro-life movement, the desire to provide vital tangible resources for life’s problems so that moms don’t have to suffer the consequences of abortion. Your giving proves this to be true and also demonstrates that we are a community that loves all women no matter their country of origin or status of citizenship, every life is a beautiful gift worth fighting for.
This couple is so grateful that they offered to place the name of our organization on the father’s boxing uniform, boxing is his passion. We told them that the only name that should be honored is Jesus Christ. It’s a beautiful gesture knowing their situation and that this is the absolute most they have to offer to show their gratitude.
As Abortion Free New Mexico has plans to increase our sidewalk outreach we have decided to start a “Life Fund.” The Life Fund will serve to meet the financial needs of women that we encounter at local abortion centers that choose life. We want to be prepared the next time a woman needs a hand up paying rent, utility bills, childcare and other miscellaneous needs that often make women feel like an abortion is the only answer.
If you would like to give a special gift you may do so by clicking here. Please use the Abortion Free New Mexico Tab and in the comment box type: “Life Fund”.

Currently in New Mexico pro-life groups primarily rely on state programs to provide financial assistance which take time and don’t meet the emergent needs of women at an abortion center door. Sometimes paying a bill is what saves a life and empowers a hopeless woman in crisis and we want to be a resource for them in this way.
Please pray that the Lord gives us more opportunities to speak to and serve women seeking abortions. Pray also for the Lord to open the hearts of the women that they would view their babies as blessings instead of burdens.
Volunteers are needed Monday-Saturday.
To get involved on the sidewalks or in another capacity please fill out our volunteer form here.