This January marked 48 years of legalized abortion in our nation, as we remember all of the innocent lives lost we plead for God’s mercy and renew our resolve to faithfully work to end this grave injustice. It truly grieves our hearts, and we know it does yours as well. The blood of innocent children daily cries out to the Lord, just as in the days of Cain and Abel (Gen. 4:10). Together, through our ministry, we will always be a voice for these babies created in His image and we will continue to fight to hold the abortion cartel accountable. Thank you for your continued prayers, support and for standing with us for LIFE.
Not on December 21, but on January 21, 2021 dark winter officially arrived! As New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham deployed troops to surround the New Mexico and United States Capital and set up walls and checkpoints throughout Santa Fe with orders to use lethal force against any dissenting citizen, (under the guise of preventing violence that NEVER materialized) the most ruthless, illegitimate and potentially deadly regime in American history has begun.
Some of the first executive orders signed by Joe Biden will cripple New Mexico’s last remaining industry and the main source of financial revenue in our state, the Oil and Gas Industry. By eliminating production and access to our natural resources, the most rural and disadvantaged population in New Mexico will not only suffer financial job losses that provided for their food and housing it will leave many New Mexican’s literally suffering in the cold.
“The elimination of jobs by shutting down access to our state’s natural resources that the environmentally clean burning coal, natural gas and the fossil fuel industry provides will not lift New Mexicans out of poverty but force them into dependency upon the state government who ultimately does not have their best interests in mind. Total subjection to government handouts appears to be the goal here. Those who reject these conditions, will be forced to flee this state as American refugees to better governed, less dependent states with more opportunities. At the height of our technological advancements by honing in on the potential our natural resources provide (jobs, heat and clean powered energy to every citizen) it is unfortunate that this new radical administration is putting our state and country back into the literal dark ages,” stated Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico
In addition, the New Mexico Democrats kicked off this legislative session in Santa Fe with an unstoppable supermajority and what is their top priority? A radical pro-death agenda! On Monday January 25, 2021 the Committee hearings began with Senate Bill 10: REPEAL ABORTION BAN! Also on their agenda is an assisted suicide bill titled “End of Life Options” HB 47.
- Visit StopTheBillsNM.com for the latest legislative updates, to sign up to testify and to contact your legislators!
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“It is very disturbing to see that when Democrats have control of the New Mexico legislature their main agenda is to push a radical pro-death agenda aimed at taking innocent defenseless life in the womb and targeting the elderly and vulnerable with a premature government sanctioned death. At a time when the public has been shut out of our State Capital under the guise of public safety these two bills are the epitome of the challenges that New Mexicans face with a legislature that doesn’t listen to or defend the people it is supposed to represent. All people of good conscience should contact their House Representative and Senator to ask them to oppose these life endangering bills.”
In The News This Month
Abortion bill heats up: In its Roundhouse Roundup electronic newsletter, the Republican Party of New Mexico urged recipients to contact members of the Senate’s Health and Public Affairs Committee to ask them to oppose a bill that would repeal a law that makes performing an abortion a fourth-degree felony. “We must keep life sacred and protect the unborn,” the GOP wrote. The group Abortion Free New Mexico, run by self-described pro-life missionaries Bud and Tara Shaver, also jumped into the divisive debate, writing in a news release the Legislature is dominated by “extremist” Democrats who are “reintroducing their radical Pro-Death agenda.”
Regional pro-life groups commend the decision and say the move is pro-woman.
“The abortion pill is not without its side effects and some of those have even lead to the deaths of numerous women. FDA regulations are in place because that is what is best when using abortion-inducing drugs,” said Tara Shaver, spokesperson for Abortion Free New Mexico.
“We are glad to see that SCOTUS is making decisions that are in the best interest and health of the mother,” Shaver continued.
Abortion Free New Mexico spokeswoman Tara Shaver said Friday the group supports the Supreme Court’s ruling. “Essentially, our view is that when these pills can be sent in the mail you are essentially making every home an abortion clinic,” she said.
National Sanctity of Human Life Month

As one of his final acts before leaving office, President Donald Trump issued a proclamation declaring January 22, 2021 National Sanctity of Human Life Day stating,
“Every human life is a gift to the world. Whether born or unborn, young or old, healthy or sick, every person is made in the holy image of God. The Almighty Creator gives unique talents, beautiful dreams, and a great purpose to every person. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we celebrate the wonder of human existence and renew our resolve to build a culture of life where every person of every age is protected, valued, and cherished.”
So in remembrance of the over 60 million innocent lives lost to abortion in America since 1973 we held a candle light memorial prayer vigil at the only gravesite in New Mexico where two aborted babies (Ryan and Eve) are buried.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Message at Church of Our Lord Anglican Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
“Roe Revisited 48 Years of Legalized Abortion In America: Its Implications on Our Country and The Body of Christ”
Legal Precedents regarding Abortion in the United States of America and New Mexico
- 1969 New Mexico Criminal Abortion Statute: Performing an elective abortion is a 4th degree felony.
- 1973 United States Supreme Court Roe v. Wade; Doe v. Bolten legalized abortion through all nine months and for any reason.
- 1992 United States Supreme Court Casey v. Planned Parenthood gave states the authority to restrict abortion.
- 2003 United States Supreme Court Partial Birth Abortion Ban restricted abortionists from partially delivering a baby and then killing them. Forced abortions to come up with another way (Induction method) to kill the baby entirely in the womb before delivery of the dead baby.
- -Innocent blood has a voice crying out to God for justice: Genesis 4:10; Revelation 6:10
- -Innocent blood polutes our land demanding God’s judgment upon our Nation: 2 Kings 24:1-4; 2 Chronicles 33; Genesis 15:16
- -Innocent blood renders our worship meaningless: Isaiah 1:11-20
- Matthew 25:40 “‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
- John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come in order for you to have life and life abundantly.”
Learn more about our efforts as Pro-Life Missionaries to New Mexico at ProLifeWitness.org and AbortionFreeNM.com

Abortion Free New Mexico was a proud co-sponsor of an Emergency Pro-Life Webcast hosted by the Southwest Coalition for Life this month as pro-life leaders across the nation and New Mexico came together in a unified effort to work to build a culture of life in New Mexico against seemingly insurmountable odds.
Fr. Frank Pavone: My Powerful Interview with Super Pro-life Activists Bud and Tara Shaver
We were blessed to talk with Fr. Frank Pavone, of Priests for Life, on End Abortion TV this month. It provided a great opportunity for us to educate his audience about the late term abortion crisis in New Mexico. It is hard for others to believe that late term abortion even occurs at all, but in New Mexico it is all too common. This is why we have fought so hard for over a decade for the lives of the precious innocent children who are scheduled to die each week in Albuquerque during barbaric late term abortions. By educating others lives are saved. May our prayers for a better New Mexico, where every child is valued and protected become a reality in 2021.
After Death, Texas Nursing Board Closes Investigation Of Abortionist
The Texas Board of Nursing notified Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico this month that it has closed their official investigation of nurse and Hill Top Women’s abortion clinic manager, Gloria Martinez after her death of CV-19. Exactly one year ago, we reported that Gloria Martinez was performing illegal medical abortions in clear violation of Texas law. In response to the closure of this investigation, Tara Shaver issued the following statement,
“We would like to thank the Texas Board of Nursing for conducting a thorough investigation based on our findings of possible of illegal abortions conducted by Gloria Martinez. We are confident that our complaint would have resulted in the revocation of her Texas nursing license and are sorry that the investigation ended prematurely due to her untimely death. Abortions are not essential and at a time when the Governor of Texas halted abortions, abortionist Franz Theard along with his abortion clinic manager Gloria Martinez scandalously moved their full abortion operation across the border into New Mexico. While all other elective procedures were halted abortions continued and both Theard and Martinez contracted the virus. Franz Theard continues to perform abortions, even though he is now reportedly on an oxygen tank and his longtime abortion business partner Gloria Martinez has passed away. Our hope is that Franz Theard will finally decide to stop killing children violently by abortion and close his New Mexico abortion facility immediately so that lives can ultimately be saved.”
Thankfully, over the course of the past year a perfect storm created by formal medical and nursing board complaints filed against abortionist Franz Theard and his clinic manager, Gloria Martinez, in addition to Texas deeming abortions non-essential, ultimately lead to the closure of Hill Top Women’s Reproductive Clinic’s, El Paso, TX location.
Faith to Action Friday moves to once a month (1st Friday of the month)

IMPORTANT UPDATE: In order to make our efforts more effective, we are moving Faith to Action Friday to the first Friday of every month.
We will also begin asking the pro-life community to make a public comment on the monthly virtual UNM Board of Regents Meetings.
- February 16th is the next meeting and can be accessed by going to regents.unm.edu
Faith To Action Friday- Abortion Free New Mexico conducts a prayer and protest presence at the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion facility where tax funded UNM performs late-term abortions through 6 months of pregnancy. One hour is all it takes to save a baby’s life and to light up the darkness in your community.
Join Us
Stand Up For Life in front of the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion facility.
- Faith to Action Fridays: February 5th; March 5th; April 2nd
- Time: 10-11am
- Location: UNM Center for Reproductive Health (2301 Yale Blvd. SE. in Albuquerque.)
- Use street parking on Renard.

Please pray with us for New Mexico
- For: Leadership at UNM to take our petition seriously and for them to take steps to close their free standing abortion facility.
- For: Our latest collaborative project with Created Equal: Project Weak Link, New Mexico. We will be launching phase 2 soon…
- For: Franz Theard to close his Santa Teresa, NM abortion center. Also, the closure of the other 4 abortion centers in the state.
- For: Government corruption in New Mexico to be exposed and dealt with so that future elections are winnable for conservative candidates.
- The 60 legislative session currently underway in New Mexico. Please pray against the abortion bill that repeals current law and the assisted suicide bill.
We couldn’t do this important work without God’s calling and hand upon us as well as your faithful prayers and support. Thank you!
When you support our family through prayer or financially you are sowing into a kingdom effort. Our efforts are driven by our love for and relationship with the Lord and a desire to lead others to him. Babies in their mothers wombs are so often overlooked but they deserve a chance to be born and a chance to grow up and know the Lord as well. Every life is valuable!
Thank you for sowing into what the Lord has entrusted to us. Building a culture of life across this nation.
- Please consider setting up a secure tax deductible monthly donation to help us with what’s next in 2021.

Thank you for standing with us for life and truth!
“Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” (3 John 1:8)
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 10 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
We would be blessed to have you partner with us in this ministry. Your prayers and support are invaluable.
*You can schedule a secure monthly or one time tax deductible donation online. Simply click the DONATE tab and select Bud and Tara- Pro-Life Witness from the drop down ministry menu.
*Checks made out to Life Ministries U.S. are tax deductible and can be mailed to P.O. Box 50351, Albuquerque, NM 87181
Blessings, Bud and Tara Shaver
Other Ways to Bless Our Ministry
- Real Estate For Life: Support Pro-Life Missionaries…At NO Cost to You!
- Amazon Smile: Visit smile.Amazon.com and choose Life Ministries U.S. as your charitable organization and Amazon gives our ministry a percentage of your purchases.