(Photo credit above: Steve Helber/AP)
By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico- In a 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade! Power has been restored back to the people, states all across the country can now enact and enforce just laws protecting the most vulnerable lives, those living and developing in their mothers womb.
Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
Today’s SCOTUS decision will save countless lives and ushers in a new era of building a culture that loves life across this nation.
The Supreme Court of the United States has finally reinstated democracy with the overruling of Roe v. Wade by restoring the legislative power back to the states. For far too many years the states have been prohibited from enacting life saving legislation that would protect babies and their mothers from the horrors and long term effects of abortion. The unjust halting of pro-life legislation across the nation by the lower courts and by judicial activism can now come to an end.
Abortion Free New Mexico is grateful that the States will now be able to enact and enforce life saving legislation that will protect the most vulnerable lives in our community, pre-born lives.
In New Mexico, our battle for life continues as we must now work harder than ever to support Pro-Life Candidates and take back control from the radical pro-abortion Democrats that have seized all levels of power, thwarting any common sense Pro-Life measures from being passed. New Mexico has been and will continue to be ground zero in our country for abortion tourism and a destination for the most extreme and barbaric abortions through all nine months of pregnancy.
Abortion Free New Mexico stands with the local Pro-Life community to build a stronger alliance to meet the needs of pregnant women and we renew our call for candidates on the 2022 election ballot to sign our Pro-Life Pledge as we work together to build a culture that loves life in our state.”

Tara Shaver, an antiabortion missionary, kneels at the graves of fetal remains at a plot called Baby Land inside Sandia Memory Gardens cemetery in Albuquerque, N.M., on Wednesday. (Gina Ferazzi/Los Angeles Times)
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico was featured today in this LA Times article highlighting how New Mexico is ground zero and how we need to support pregnant women in a post Roe America:
As Roe vs. Wade falls, New Mexico braces for a steep rise of abortion seekersExcerpt:
While abortion advocates consider the coalition a sort of underground railroad for women in crisis, those who oppose the work — like Tara Shaver, a local antiabortion missionary — say the system affirms Albuquerque’s reputation as the “late-term abortion capital of the world.”
“The term ‘abortion’ has lost all meaning, and this place brings it back,” Shaver said. “We don’t need to shuttle women into New Mexico. We need to meet these women where they are and provide enough support that they don’t need to choose between their child’s life and their own.”
Shaver organized a schedule with other local Christians to ensure that at least one person is praying during every operational hour of local abortion clinics.
- Read the full report
- Click here if you can’t read the article at the LA Times

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