jt072815f/a sec/jim thompson/ Protesters outside of the Round House in Santa Fe as New Mexico Pro-life leaders ask for an investigation of Planned Parenthood and other NM abortion providers in light of the recent revelations that Planned Parenthood is trafficking in pre-born baby organs. Tuesday, July. 28, 2015.(Jim Thompson/Albuquerque Journal.)
On Saturday, August 22, pro-life Americans throughout the country will gather at Planned Parenthood locations nationwide to protest the abortion giant’s barbaric practice of aborting babies and selling their body parts.
The Albuquerque Journal published two stories, Aug. 9th in the Sunday edition, about Planned Parenthood and even mentioned our upcoming Planned Parenthood protest. The documentaries released by the Center for Medical Progress have shaken the killing business of Planned Parenthood to it’s core but we must keep the pressure on.
In the wake of the horrific videos exposing this practice, now is the time for Christians to stand up and demand an end to the nation’s largest abortion provider:
Event: National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood
When: Saturday, August 22, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Where: Planned Parenthood, 701 San Mateo Blvd. NE in Albuquerque
More Info: Contact Tara Shaver at shavermissions@gmail.com
Be a part of this nationwide event and take a stand against the evil of abortion.
Please Help us spread the word here in NM:
Flyers for distribution can be downloaded and printed here.
Bulletin inserts for churches can be downloaded and printed here.
The Aug. 9th Sunday edition of the ABQ Journal covered our Protest of Planned Parenthood on Aug. 22nd.
“On Aug. 22, more than 40 anti-abortion organizations across the nation will join together for protests. Protest ABQ will co-lead the Albuquerque protest with Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Priests for Life at Planned Parenthood’s offices at 701 San Mateo NE, said Tara Shaver, the group’s spokeswoman.”
Read the rest of this report from the ABQ Journal here: http://www.abqjournal.com/625598/news/videos-reignite-debate-over-federal-funding-for-care-provider.html
(Please share and help promote this event and be sure to join us)
For more information about the National Protests of #PlannedParenthood happening all across the country on Aug. 22, 2015 visit: www.protestpp.com
Join the Facebook event page: #PPSellsBabyParts National Day of Protest: https://www.facebook.com/events/1437593929902839/