By Tara Shaver
Albuquerque, NM- On August 16, 2016 The UNM Health Sciences Center held a meeting during which they discussed the recent scandal regarding their use of aborted babies for experiential research. In addition to having UNM student residents involved in this inhumane and controversial research, documents obtained by the U.S. House Select Panel on Human Lives recently revealed that UNM conducted a summer youth workshop where aborted babies brains were dissected!
New Mexico Alliance for Life was tipped off about the meeting late Monday night (Aug. 15th) and stated in their press release afterwards, “The UNM Board of Regents met today as well, and taxpayers showed up to ask more questions about these troubling practices. UNM Regents and UNM President Bob Franks were urged to be transparent with the public.”
Marcie May reporting for The HUB of New Mexico was able to ask Paul Roth directly about the controversy surrounding a UNM Summer Youth workshop where baby brains were dissected.
Since 2011 members of Protest ABQ have worked to expose and connect the dots regarding the University of New Mexico’s involvement in experimental abortion research and practices in collaboration with notorious late-term abortion killing center, Southwestern Women’s Options. We have long concluded that UNM is in fact the heart of the abortion industry in New Mexico and have exposed that Paul Roth is the driving force of their radical abortion agenda.
In addition to killing babies and using their body parts for experimental research, numerous women have been seriously injured during botched abortions at UNM’s own publicly funded free-standing abortion clinic, UNM Center for Reproductive Health. In fact, on August 16, 2016 the same day of the meeting conducted by the UNM Health Sciences Center, Operation Rescue reported on a horrendous abortion injury documented by a confidential informant to Protest ABQ.
Read Operation Rescue’s report here: Incomplete Abortion on Sick Woman at UNM Abortion Biz Puts Her in Hospital for 5 Days
Protest ABQ joins New Mexico Alliance for Life’s call to contact the UNM Board of Regents and urge them to stop the harvesting and experimental research of baby body parts and to sever all ties with notorious late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd’s Southwestern Women’s Options.
Please contact the UNM Regents and urge them to abandon their radical abortion agenda and terminate the contract of Dr. Paul Roth:
Phone- (505) 277 7639
Email- regents@unm.edu
Listen to Marcie’s interview with The Hub of New Mexico as she recounts her testimony before the Regents and interview with Paul Roth here:
Marcie May authored a pro-life book, Ebelize – A New Mexican Christmas Carol It is available online to purchase HERE