Albuquerque, NM- In response to the historic effort led by citizens of ABQ to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, local ABQ Pastors have resolved to be a voice for the most vulnerable women and children of our community. Project Defending Life is partnering with CSA on a new initiative called Project 52. Project 52 will launch on Monday, September 30, 2013 with a press conference and rally at the local late term abortion clinic, Southwestern Women’s Options.
Lucrative post viability abortions merely line the pockets of out of state abortionists who are destroying the future of our city, one abortion at a time. “As Pastors and leaders in our community, we are determined to speak up and be readily available for women seeking abortions. We will do our part to make sure that women have all that they need to choose life for their pre-born child,” stated Pastor Clarence Washington.
Every woman deserves to know that with the communities help, choosing life for her baby is possible. However, the majority of women seeking abortions will never step foot into a pregnancy help center on their own. We must meet these vulnerable women where they are, at the abortion clinic, before it’s too late. Project 52 will equip the body of Christ to be present at the late term abortion clinic year round, one week at a time.
As we recruit Pastors and churches for Project 52, we will also encourage them to mobilize their members to vote “For” the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance.” This ban will end abortions halfway through pregnancy in the Late-Term Abortion Capital of the country… Albuquerque, NM.
Please join us for a Project 52 kick-off Rally and Press Conference with local ABQ Pastors on Monday, September 30, 2013 beginning at 11:00am.
Where: Southwestern Women’s Options, 522 Lomas Blvd. NE
Schedule of events:
11:00-12:00- Prayer led by local Pastors
12:00-12:30- Press Conference announcing Project 52 to the Community
12:30-1:30- Praise and Worship
1:30-3:00- Prayer led by local Pastors
For more information and to sign up your church/parish with Project 52 contact:
Tara Shaver, tara@defendinglife.org
Click here for more information about Project 52
Archbishop Michael Sheehan urges everyone in Albuquerque to support the ban on late term abortions! Read his full statement here: http://www.archdiocesesantafe.org/Offices/Communications/PressReleases/13.09.27LateTermAbor%20Ban.pdf