By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, New Mexico- This weekend Abortion Free New Mexico has an amazing seminar planned for you and the community at large to come and learn how to effectively communicate with those who try to justify abortion. We will be discussing relevant topics that speak to the heart of our culture like racism and abortion and the myth of overpopulation. We are also featuring two important community resource leaders for you to hear from to better equip you to help abortion minded women should they approach you on the sidewalk.
- Learn more about our latest initiative No Sidewalk Without the Savior
If you want to know more about these relevant facts and how to have a confident conversation about these topics please join us this Saturday from 1-3pm. When you are on the sidewalk in prayer you never know who will engage you for conversation so our goal is to equip you.
Free Pro-Life Training Seminar Hosted by Abortion Free New Mexico
- Where: Providence Church located at 13801 Encantado Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
- When: Saturday April 23, 2022 from 1PM-3PM
- Why: For A Time of Knowledge and Equipping
Special Guest Speakers include:
- Abortion Free New Mexico leaders, Bud and Tara Shaver
- Clarence Washington Sr. Author of, “Hijacked! How Dr. King’s Dream Became a Nightmare”
- Doug Abrams of Casa De Mariposa
- Rita Rodriguez of Options Beyond Adoption
Join us for an afternoon of pro-life empowerment at Providence Church. This will be a time of knowledge and equipping. Learn about local community resources. Have a relevant conversation about abortion and racism. Learn about the radical agenda linking abortion and overpopulation. We will also share practical ways you can get involved and put your faith into action,” stated Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico

For every T-shirt ordered, $3 will go to Care Net in New Mexico, $3 will go to the New Mexico Care Net mobile unit, and $3 to Pro-Life Witness.