Priests for Life and Abortion Free New Mexico Continue Educational Campaign on Late Term Abortion
Priests for Life Director: New Undercover Call Has Special Interest for Pennsylvania
Healthy Babies of Healthy Mothers Being Killed Beyond 20 Weeks of Pregnancy
- Report by Priests for Life, the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia.
Priests for Life has released yet another undercover phone call today in an ongoing project, in partnership with Abortion Free New Mexico, to expose the fact that healthy babies of healthy mothers are being legally killed by abortion in America in the later stages of pregnancy.
The tape released today has portions of two phone calls; one is a call to make an appointment in Philadelphia for an abortion just after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The other call, to the office of an abortionist in California, is an inquiry into what a late-term abortion is.
“Once again, it is explicitly clear that the mother is healthy and the baby is healthy, and the clinic worker makes it clear that the late term abortion can still be done,” said Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “We challenge abortion supporters, including political candidates, to stop claiming that these later abortions are only done ‘to save the mother’s life’ or ‘when the baby is deformed.’ We’ve heard those lies for long enough – lies that are meant to mask and hide the heartless cruelty of an abortion industry, and a public policy, that kills healthy babies of healthy mothers in the latest months of pregnancy.”
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico explained, “This undercover investigation reveals that the abortion industry considers the designation of a late term abortion to begin at 20 weeks of pregnancy. This admission came from the receptionist of notorious late term abortionist, Josepha Seletz who operates Pro-Choice Medical in Beverly Hills, CA. These extreme late term abortions are occurring all across America on healthy mothers carrying healthy babies. This call exposes that Philadelphia Women’s Center is one such facility, performing abortions through 21 weeks, 6days of pregnancy for $2,350.00.”
Fr. Pavone added, “Residents of Pennsylvania should be especially interested in this phone call, and encourage their state legislators, who have been working on measures to protect children from late term abortion. Pennsylvanians should also ask Senator Robert Casey if he intends to vote for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, to save children who are 20 weeks and beyond from painful abortion.”
- Priests For Life’s full release- Priests for Life Director: New Undercover Call Has Special Interest for Pennsylvania