By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, NM- We are proud to announce the launch of Abortion Free New Mexico’s official website: AbortionFreeNM.com
As pro-life missionaries we are working toward the goal of an Abortion Free New Mexico where every pre-born child is valued and protected. To achieve this goal we are focusing on three primary initiatives:
- Late Term Abortion Death– Our investigative work over the past 8 years has culminated with a New Mexico Medical Board investigation into the abortion related death of a local woman who died during a late term abortion performed by Curtis Boyd at Southwestern Women’s Options. Our prayer is that Curtis Boyd will be stripped of his New Mexico medical license thereby shuttering Southwestern Women’s Options permanently and ending Late Term Abortion in New Mexico!
- New Mexico Politics– The political climate has experienced such a monumental shift since we came to New Mexico in 2010 as Pro-Life Missionaries. New Mexicans will now have the chance to elect leaders who will truly work to promote a culture of life that so many Americans have fought so hard and sacrificed so much, since the founding of this great country, to preserve and build upon. It’s ALL HANDS ON DECK FROM NOW UNTIL ELECTION DAY NOVEMBER 6, 2018
- Church Initiative– Abortion Free New Mexico utilizes an innovative model for equipping Churches, Home/Bible study groups or Organizations in developing their own unique role in making New Mexico Abortion Free. The body of Christ’s involvement is a vital component in making New Mexico Abortion Free. We want to empower your church with the tools it needs to be an integral part of building a culture of life in New Mexico.
AbortionFreeNM.com features 4 main pages:
- About: This page details Our Vision, Our Mission, Who We Are, and Moving Forward.
- Videos: This page highlights THREE categories of undercover investigations conducted by Abortion Free New Mexico: New Mexico Abortion Cartel Exposed, Undercover At 37 Weeks Project, and Late Term Abortion Across America
- News: This page will feature all of our BREAKING REPORTS and latest updates.
- Events: This is a NEW FEATURED page that you can check frequently for the LATEST LOCAL EVENTS that you don’t want to miss! Each event will include a way for you to RSVP. THERE ARE TWO UPCOMING EVENTS
Upcoming Events: Save the Dates
- 8/15/2018 Tara Shaver presents “Set Free and Unleashed,” Breaking the Mold Albuquerque Christian Women’s Connection Presents: A Brunch and Program Featuring Speaker: Tara Shaver who will share “Set Free and Unleashed,” Breaking the Mold, her testimony of coming out of an unbelieving family to surrendering her life to Christ. Wednesday, August 15, 2018 (9:45-11:30am) CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
- 9/08/2018 National Day Of Remembrance for Aborted Babies Albuquerque On Saturday, September 8, 2018 pro-life Americans throughout the country will gather at the grave sites of aborted babies and other memorial sites dedicated in their honor for the sixth annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Saturday, September 8, 2018 (10:00-11:00am) CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
- Please check out our NEW website and share it with your friends and family!
“When the uncompromisingly righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan and sigh. (Proverbs 29:2)
- Thank you for standing with us for life!