- Priests for Life undercover calls continue to reveal what most Americans reject
Abortion Clinic Schedules Appointment for Healthy Mother to Abort Healthy Baby at 32 weeks
- Report released by Priests for Life, the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia.
As part of its late-term abortion education project, Priests for Life today released another undercover phone call showing that healthy mothers of healthy children can obtain a legal abortion in the United States even at 32 weeks of pregnancy.
(This call is to the abortion clinic of Abortionist Warren Hern. Abortion Free New Mexico is working with Priests for Life to raise national awareness about late term abortion.)
“Our goal here is very simple: to reveal to the American people that healthy mothers are aborting healthy babies even in the final months of pregnancy, and that this is legal activity,” explained National Director Fr. Frank Pavone. “We are revealing this because many of our fellow citizens simply do not know or do not believe that this is happening. We show them the evidence. Knowing that it is happening is the first step towards stopping it.”
The call released today was made last week to the clinic of abortionist Warren Hern in Boulder, Colorado. Hern is the author of the medical textbook Abortion Practice, which uses the words “decapitate” and “dismember” to describe the abortion procedure. The caller, posing as a woman at around 30 weeks of pregnancy, made no reference to any fetal anomalies or maternal health problems.
She simply stated,
“My husband and I just split up and I just don’t want to continue the pregnancy.”
The four-day abortion procedure was scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 28, at which point the clinic pointed out she would be at 32 weeks of pregnancy.
The undercover call was carried out with the assistance of Abortion Free New Mexico. Tara Shaver, who represents that organization, stated,
“This undercover investigation reveals that Abortionist Warren Hern in Boulder, Colorado is willing to perform an abortion at 32 weeks of pregnancy for $25,000 with virtually no questions asked. Late term abortions have no place in a civilized society, yet in America they are performed on healthy women carrying healthy babies all across this nation. This should be a wake up call for Americans who refuse to believe that this is happening.”
The call was the eighth in a series of calls that Priests for Life will continue to commission across the nation. The previous calls so far were made to the Southwestern Women’s Options clinic in Albuquerque, NM, where our callers successfully made abortion appointments at 25, 30, and even 33 weeks.
“Even people who identify as pro-choice reject abortion at these late stages of pregnancy,” Fr. Pavone explained. “As a Marist poll earlier this year reveals, almost six in ten Americans support the protection of babies in the womb after 20 weeks of pregnancy. This includes 56% of people who identify themselves as ‘pro-choice,’ and 49% of those who identify as Democrats.”
“In the light of these facts, we are urging all US Senators to vote for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1622), to protect these children starting at 20 weeks of their development,” Fr. Pavone concluded.
- Priests For Life’s report: Abortion Clinic Schedules Appointment for Healthy Mother to Abort Healthy Baby at 32 weeks