In this month’s newsletter, you’ll see by the testimonies included that much has been happening and that our work here is blessed and bearing fruit. We are truly thankful for what God is accomplishing and trust that one day the killing in the womb will end, until that day we must remain faithful following God’s call.
Click here to read our latest Newsletter
In May, we had 3 donors withdraw their support due to unforeseen circumstances. These donations equaled $175 per month that paid most of our utilities-water, electricity, gas. Please pray for us, that God will supply all of our needs and raise up new supporters. Also included in our newsletter is a unique way to let others know how they can be a part of this life saving work. (You can also donate securely online here: https://donate.cornerstone.cc/?mid=9447367466)
Acts of Violence by Abortion Advocates in Albuquerque, NM over the past 4 years! “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Tim. 3:12)
Baby saved out at Late-Term abortion Killing Center SWO! Mark Harrington called out to the father, “Be a man and bring her out of there.” Well sure enough, He did! We were able to offer this couple help, hope and pray with them! This couple also recommitted their life to Christ! These 13 seconds had a profound and lasting impact on the heart of this father and husband…it only takes a few seconds to have an eternal impact, and to God alone be the glory! (Watch the video below)
Mark Harrington, Executive Director of Created Equal was here in ABQ this month for, outreach, and PROTEST! Check out his talk on the role of “Abortion Victim Photography” (Graphic Images). He gave this talk here in ABQ during the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust Pro-Life Training Conference:
Click here to watch ALL our our guest speakers for the Survivors ABQ Pro-Life Conference: “New Mexico Pro-Life Training Conference & Public Awareness Campaign Aug. 2-9th”
Bud finally sat down and updated our “In the News” tab on our ministry website! Here is some of the news coverage of our efforts here in Albuquerque, New Mexico over the past 4 years: https://prolifewitness.org/in-the-news/
Keep our efforts in your prayers as we continue to move forward to end abortion in New Mexico…to God alone be the glory!
Be sure to “Like” Protest ABQ on Facebook and visit our website www.protestabq.com