Dear Friends,
This month we continued to press forward with our focus of exposing the Abortion Landscape in New Mexico by releasing Parts 3 and 4 of our 6 part series, #NewMexicoTrue Campaign. Our previous reports revealed that New Mexico is the land of unrestricted abortion lacking any oversight or accountability. Fr. Stephen Imbarrato was quoted in a Washington Times article covering our reports,
“There are no restrictions, no oversight, nothing going on with regard to abortion in New Mexico other than that the Democratic Party totally supports it, and the Republican Party, for the most part, is condoning it,” Father Imbarrato said. “So we have been doing everything necessary to try to bring this to the national spotlight.”
Read the article by the Washington Times: Recordings back Trump assertions on late-term abortions
Our prayer is that as we continue peeling away the layers of the New Mexico abortion cartel that our leaders will take heed of the information and act boldly on behalf of the babies.
We continue to have opportunities to share with Bible study groups to educate and spread the truth about abortion in New Mexico. The Lord is moving here and we are humbled to be a part of all that He is doing.
Thank you for standing with us, your prayers, support and encouragement are invaluable to us. May God receive all of the glory!
#NewMexicoTrue Campaign
This month in our #NewMexicoTrue Campaign reports, we looked at the Santa Theresa, New Mexico abortion clinic, Hill Top Reproductive Clinic.
In part 3 we exposed Franz Theard a Texas abortionist who has set up his abortion mill 11 miles across the Texas border in Santa Teresa, NM. He is using his mill to evade Texas laws regarding waiting periods and minor access to abortion.
Theard is another example of abortion providers in New Mexico who ignore the best interests of minors who seek out an abortion. Minors are vulnerable and often the victims of sexual abuse, Franz Theard is enabling sexual predators when he purposefully takes advantage of New Mexico’s lack of common sense laws and circumvents the reasonable limitations of Texas.
We also cited violations that Theard was found to have at his abortion mill that included doing pregnancy tests and RH blood tests without proper licensure and failing to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using these tests. Theard is also a practicing OB/GYN in the state of Texas, where he delivers babies on the days he’s not aborting them.
(In response to our report Hilltop Women’s Reproductive Clinic in Santa Teresa has updated their website and removed language advertising their intention to evade Texas laws.)
Read the full report: Part 3- Santa Teresa, NM: No Parent, No Problem 15 y/o TX Minor Obtains Abortion
Late Term Abortion Exposed
Our work with Priests for Life continued this month to bring national awareness to late term abortion. In part 4 we looked deeper at Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO), the nations largest late term abortion facility, and exposed just how arbitrary the standard is for determining which baby lives or dies.
This call combines two earlier calls and adds new details, including that mothers so far advanced in their pregnancies should not be aborted in stand-alone clinics like SWO – although they are – and that the availability of third-trimester abortions depends on the “comfort” level of the abortionist.
“The bottom line is that SWO is willing to terminate a disabled child in spite of their own admission that late- term abortions shouldn’t be done in an outpatient clinic because they pose significant risks to mothers,” said Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico.“The ‘comfort’ zone of the abortionists at Southwestern Women’s Options, which appears to be based on an arbitrary eugenic standard, is ultimately allowing them to decide which babies should live or die.
Read the full report: Part 4: Late Term Abortionists Arbitrarily Choose Who Lives and Dies in New Mexico
Baby or Biohazard Waste?
In this undercover recording we exposed how the late term abortion facility Southwestern Women’s Options arbitrarily differentiates between a baby and biohazard waste when discussing the disposal of the remains of the babies terminated at their facility.
Southwestern Women’s Options tells a woman posing as 33 weeks pregnant, that they have a working relationship with Riverside Funeral Home, which will come to the abortion facility and collect the baby remains for cremation after the abortion. Staffers at both the funeral home and the abortion facility refer to the dead unborn children as “babies.”
However, the option to cremate the remains only applies to disabled babies. When another woman, 25 weeks pregnant, inquires about what happens to her healthy baby after her abortion, she is told that the remains are considered biohazard waste and that the whole baby is incinerated.
“To think that Southwestern Women’s Options is pitching cremation to women seeking late-term abortions in order to somehow buffer killing disabled babies while the other babies are incinerated as biohazard waste is schizophrenic,” said Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico. “Cremation, by definition, refers to what is done to a dead person’s body. It’s imperative that we, our leaders and every sane person speak out and act on behalf of these human babies who are being brutally killed each day in New Mexico.”
“Anyone with a conscience will be horrified by these recordings,” added Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “They speak of fingerprints, toe-prints, baby clothes, photos, and funeral homes. These are things associated with human beings, and children who — once they’re born — we all agree should be protected. What is revealed here is an ongoing prejudice, discrimination, and oppression towards the children in the womb, and it must end.”
Abortion Free New Mexico Strategy session with Albuquerque Mayoral candidate Michelle Garcia Holmes. As mayor, Michelle has committed to work to end late term abortion in Albuquerque!
Please pray for Michelle Garcia Holmes and her campaign.
For more information visit: Michelle4Mayor.org
Triggering the pro aborts…
(Picture from Media Matters)
Our #NewMexicoTrue Campaign is already having an impact! The radical leftist organization Media Matters published a hit piece on our efforts.
Here is an excerpt,
“In a June 20 article, The Washington Times gave an uncritical platform to a newly re-formed New Mexico anti-abortion group, Abortion Free New Mexico (AFNM). This group is the latest venture of longtime anti-choice extremists Bud and Tara Shaver.”
Read their hit piece here: Anti-abortion extremist group resurfaces to promote anti-choice misinformation in Wash. Times
(WOW, What a headline! They are really upset…)
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Love and Blessings, Bud and Tara
Thank you for your prayers and support on behalf of our ministry and our family. We love you all and keep you in our prayers.
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- Become a monthly financial partner securely online here.
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- Host an Abortion Free New Mexico Strategy Seminar for your Church, Home Group or Organization.