Dear Friends,
Another month of ministry has come and gone but we are building momentum. There is so much positive energy right now in New Mexico as more people are getting involved in the pro-life movement. This is all building hope for life affirming change when we finally have the opportunity elect a historic 101 pro-life leaders all across New Mexico in November.
Even though New Mexico is known as the late term abortion capital, we only have 5 abortion facilities statewide. While we continue our investigative research, look for weak links, file complaints that bring accountability, pro-life legislation is the final piece of the puzzle.
Please pray with us that godly candidates win the overwhelming majority on election day so that we can get a super majority to override our current radical pro-abortion governor’s veto power and pass 100% pro-life legislation, because Baby Lives Matter (BLM).
Thank you for standing with us as we serve New Mexico as pro-life missionaries. Everything we do helps us to get closer to our goal of an abortion free state. You are a blessing and together we are a stronger voice for the Lord and His precious children.
We appreciate each of you and know that the Lord will continue to bless our efforts to make our state abortion free. We couldn’t do it without you!

When the UNM Center for Reproductive Health placed a banner over their building stating, “Heroes Work Here” Bud and I didn’t really think too much of it. After so many years of ministry we have come to understand the mentality of those in the abortion industry. Abortionists operate as if they are above the law and any accountability, which is no surprise, since they have lost their moral compass and have betrayed true medicine.
Michelle Garcia Holmes (R) who is running for US Congress (CD1), however, was taken aback and very disturbed by this message that was being sent into the community. She took it upon herself to do facebook live videos with the message that heroes do not work in abortion clinics. It was really a God thing that she became so passionate and launched a petition to the President of UNM to ask to have the banner removed.
After several weeks of the petition, which we helped to circulate, a press conference was scheduled featuring Michelle and other pro-life legislative candidates. Within 24 hours of sending out a press release about the press conference we received word that the banner had been taken down. So, on Friday, July 10th we held a press conference believing that UNM was taking a step in the right direction and listening to the people.
The press conference was awesome as Dinah Vargas who is running in House District 10 (HD10) where this UNM abortion clinic is located and Stefani Lord (HD22) shared their hearts about why they are pro-life and running for office in New Mexico. Michelle Garcia Holmes, in her speech, called for the defunding of UNM as the next step. UNM is in a financial crisis and it makes perfect sense for them to take funding from their abortion facility that takes lives and put those funds where they can be used to save lives.
Unfortunately, the next Friday, the banner was back up. We are drafting a new petition where emails will be sent to both UNM president Garnett Stokes and the Board of Regents.
The petition will be online but you can email them directly at the email addresses below.
Your Voice Matters! Contact UNM President and UNM Regents
Please join us in reiterating that abortionists are not heroes and that UNM as a tax funded public university needs to defund the UNM Center for Reproductive Health and use those funds for saving lives.
UNM President Garnet Stokes:
Phone- 505-277-2626
Email- PresidentStokes@unm.edu
UNM Regents:
Phone- (505) 277 7639
Email- regents@unm.edu
Support Pro-Life Candidates
The Land of Enchantment is facing an unprecedented general election in 100 days. A record breaking 101 republican candidates (all of them are solidly pro-life) have been recruited to take back our legislature and turn the state red in November.
The time to change the direction of our state is long overdue, we know that New Mexico shouldn’t be at the top of every bad list and bottom of every good list of national ranking statistics. We have such a great opportunity, like never before, to make sure that candidates who share our conservative Christian values are elected.
There is too much at stake to sit on the sidelines so we are going door-to-door each week after Faith to Action Friday (click link below), please let us know if you’d like to join us.

On Saturday, September 12, 2020, Abortion Free New Mexico will be joining national pro-life organizations for the 8th annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, to honor the memory of over 60 million unborn victims of abortion.
Solemn prayer vigils will be held simultaneously at gravesites around the country where abortion victims have been buried, as well as at many other memorial sites dedicated in their honor.
Join us for the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children and ensure that our unborn brothers and sisters will not be forgotten.
Sandia Memory Garden, 9500 San Pedro Drive NE. Albuquerque, NM 87112
- Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Founder of Life Ministries U.S.
- Pastor Luis Garcia, Praise and Worship Center
- Michelle Garcia Holmes, U.S. Congressional Candidate CD1
- Lisa Meyer-Hagen, NM State Senate Candidate District 12
- Dinah Vargas, NM House Candidate District 10
Date and Time: Saturday, September 12, 10:00am
- Learn more at AbortionMemorials.com
Join Us: Faith To Action Friday In August

“What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.” John Wesley
This quote rings so true of the culture we find ourselves in today, doesn’t it? When abortion was legalized in 1973 there was so much passion within the Christian community to stand against the bloodshed and stand up for the babies. 1000’s of people were arrested in the 80’s but where did that passion go? We are determined as God’s people to never lose sight of what is happening behind the closed doors of abortion facilities in New Mexico.
Now is our chance to make sure that we do not tolerate injustice so that the next generation is even bolder than we are today.
Join Us In August!
Stand Up For Life in front of the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion facility.
- Faith to Action Fridays, 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.
- Time: 10-11am
- Location: 2301 Yale Blvd. SE. in Albuquerque.
- Use street parking on Renard.
- Click here to learn more
Abortion Free New Mexico conducts a weekly prayer and protest presence at the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion facility. Let’s stand together for life and strategically step out in faith to transform our community.
Support Our Pro-Life Ministry by Using Real Estate for LIFE!
- Buying or Selling a House or Property?
- Use a Pro-Life realtor and support our ministry at no cost to you!
- Just mention that you want to support Pro-Life Missionaries Bud and Tara Shaver
- Call Real Estate for Life: 1-877-543-3781
- Email: info@RealEstateForLife.org
- Visit their website for more information: RealEstateForLife.org
Please pray with us for New Mexico
- For: The University of New Mexico to hire a pro-life person for their Health Sciences Center position and for them to defund and close their free standing abortion facility.
- The Texas Board of Nursing complaint that we have filed against Gloria Martinez to result in the loss of her license.
- For: Abortionist Franz Theard’s conversion and for him to abandon his abortion businesses. (1 in NM and 1 in TX)
- For: New Mexicans to vote for godly candidates on November 3rd.
- For: Fellowship and unity for the pro-life community in New Mexico.
Thank you for standing with us for life!
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 9 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
We are pursuing and working toward an abortion free New Mexico, where every pre-born child is valued and protected.
- We couldn’t do this important work without God’s calling and hand upon us as well as your faithful prayers and support.
We would be blessed to have you partner with us in this ministry. Your prayers and support are invaluable.
Ways to partner with us as we work to build an Abortion Free New Mexico
- Pray for our efforts in New Mexico.
- Join us for our events this month.
- Make an online tax-deductible donation here.
- Contact Real Estate for Life when buying or purchasing a home.
- Select Life Ministries US as your charitable organization at smile.Amazon.com.