By Bud Shaver
“Huge news as the FBI has been asking around about Gov. Susana Martinez’s fundraising activities; that means Jay McCleskey’s name is being mentioned.” –New Mexico Political Report
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Director at Protest Child Killing and founder of Protest ABQ issued the following statement, “It is amazing that so many people for so long have known the kind of person McCleskey is…his past and his tactics. Yet they have given him a pass. This is the guy who controls not just Governor Martinez, but also ABQ Mayor RJ Berry, both political leaders whom we pro-life activists have focused on for their lack of oversight and concern about the out of control pre-born baby killing industry in our state and city respectively. Both these politicians, who claim to be pro-life, under McCleskey’s guidance, have not only done nothing to bring any attention to the issue of baby killing, but have been critical of pro-life efforts to expose their poor records. Abortion has always been about money and power. Seems the same may be true about these two administrations who have for years condoned abortion here in NM.”
Read the BREAKING developments here: Report: Guv’s fundraising under FBI scrutiny
Former official: FBI asked about issues in Martinez administration
A look at McCleskey’s money as FBI investigates
Gov confirms FBI spoke to her, staff about investigations
Protest ABQ has been sounding the alarm about Governor Susana Martinez and her administration. Find out why here: Protest ABQ DEMANDS a Retraction from NEWSMAX
Here is a great interview by Tara Shaver, Spokeswoman for Protest ABQ with The HUB of New Mexico about the latest article by Protest ABQ, “Protest ABQ DEMANDS a Retraction from NEWSMAX”
Click Here Listen to the Interview
Here is a great quote from the interview:
“Unfortunately we have a Governor that is not being a strong woman caring for other women and children, she just kind of maintains the status quo and looking out for her own interests not the people who elected her.” -Tara Shaver