By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, New Mexico- Planned Parenthood, in an effort to address systemic racism within its organization, is distancing itself from their founder, Margaret Sanger by removing her name off of their flagship abortion facility in New York City and according to Yahoo News,
“Planned Parenthood will also work with the City Council and community members to strip nearby Margaret Sanger Square of that name—a designation they had initially pushed for.”
Yahoo News states why this drastic measure is needed,
“Sanger, who devoted her life to legalizing and increasing access to contraception, coined the term “birth control” in 1914. After being arrested for opening the nation’s first birth control clinic in 1916, she founded the American Birth Control League, the predecessor to Planned Parenthood, just four years later. But during her crusade, Sanger also aligned herself with the then-popular eugenics movement, which supported attempting to ‘improve’ human populations by controlling reproduction. In the years before the Holocaust made it impossible to ignore where that notion could lead, ideas from eugenics were often wielded in the service of white supremacy and other forms of discrimination.”

In 2014 Eve Espey, the Medical Director of the UNM Center for Reproductive Health, was awarded the Margaret Sanger Award for her eugenic population control efforts targeting the Hispanic population.
Eve Espey receives an annual salary at of $505,388 for her work at UNM! In fact, she was the sixth highest paid employee at UNM in 2019.

Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“As the racist history of Margaret Sanger and her ties to eugenics comes to light, it’s time for the University of New Mexico to end the systemic racism within the state’s flagship institution by firing Eve Espey and shutting down the UNM Center for Reproductive Health. As an avid promoter of abortion expansion in New Mexico and worldwide, Eve Espey received the 2014 Margaret Sanger award at the New Mexico Planned Parenthood’s 50 year celebration. Espey has also worked on the faculty of the Health Sciences Global Health Program (GHP), which collaborates with the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO) on education, service and research. Espey’s focus with the GHP was family planning and abortion in Mexico and Central America.”
Tara Shaver went on to state,
“As documented in previous reports, the University of New Mexico has a sordid reputation of targeting Hispanics for elimination by abortion thanks to UNM’s Eve Espey, Professor and Chair of the Department of OB-GYN, and Medical Director at UNM’s off-site abortion facility, the UNM Center for Reproductive Health. At a time when UNM is currently 13 million dollars in debt, let’s start with firing Eve Espey, defunding and closing the UNM Center for Reproductive Health late term abortion facility.”

Dinah Vargas, candidate for New Mexico House District 10 where the UNM Center for Reproductive Health abortion facility is located, issued the following statement,
“As one of four daughters, I am grateful that UNM’s practice of targeting Hispanic communities for abortion did not exist during my mother’s and my grandmother’s generation.
I find it it deeply troubling that, today, because of UNM’s radical abortion agenda, the most dangerous place for Hispanic New Mexicans is in the womb. According toNew Mexico Vital Statistics in 2017, the trend continues where Hispanic women account for more than half of all of the abortions performed in the state. The University of New Mexico, as a taxpayer funded and public entity should not be involved in promoting the systemic racism of targeting Hispanic babies in the womb.
I am ashamed that UNM’s free standing abortion facility is located in my district, just a few miles from where I grew up in San José. As a Hispanic woman and candidate for the New Mexico House of Representatives I proudly support the rights of all Hispanic women born and unborn. I will always fight for the oppressed and marginalized and will stand against every entity that targets Hispanics in the womb.”
New Mexico House District 10 also includes the South Valley, South Broadway, San José, Kinney Brick and the forgotten Pajarito Mesa.
FLASHBACK REPORT: Hispanics Targeted for Death by Abortion According to 2013 New Mexico Vital Statistics
Minority Hispanic women are disproportionately targeted by the [New Mexico] abortion cartel, accounting for 53% of all abortions in the state while Hispanics account for only 42.1% of the population.

In addition, abortions rose amongst Hispanic women by 9% from 1,643 in 2012 to 1,798 in 2013. This represented a larger percentage than the overall statewide trend.

- According to Life Dynamics’s report, “Racial Targeting and Population Control,” New Mexico has the highest per capita Hispanic population of all 50 states.
Pro-abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood, Young Women United and even the University of New Mexico have exploited this demographic in the worst possible way by targeting them for elimination by abortion.
ACTION ITEM: Encourage the University of New Mexico to end systemic racism!
Contact UNM President Garnet Stokes and the UNM Regents and respectfully ask them to fire Eve Espey and defund and close the UNM Center for Reproductive Health late term abortion facility. Tax funded UNM should not be promoting a eugenic population control agenda by targeting Hispanics for elimination through abortion and birth control.
UNM President Garnet Stokes:
Phone- 505-277-2626
Email- PresidentStokes@unm.edu
UNM Regents:
Phone- (505) 277 7639
Email- regents@unm.edu