Albuquerque, New Mexico- We are proud to join the Southwest Coalition for Life as a co-sponsor of an emergency pro-life webcast this Friday at 7PM [MT]. Read the details of this IMPORTANT online webcast from Mark Cavaliere the host and Executive Director of the Southwest Coalition for Life and join the unified efforts to defend the sanctity of human life across New Mexico and the borderland!
Stop Late Term Abortion & Assisted Suicide in New Mexico- “The president just declared January 22 “Sanctity of Human Life Day” while the NM state capital has BLOCKED the annual New Mexico March for Life in Santa Fe at a critical moment as the new legislative session is preparing to pass EXTREME anti-life bills!
YES, the failed “HB 51” and “HB 90” bills of 2019 are BACK under new names, and New Mexico’s abortion industry is pulling out all the stops to quickly pass this RADICAL legislation which will:
- PROTECT LATE-TERM ABORTION by codifying it into New Mexico state law, ensuring it will continue uninterrupted even if Roe vs. Wade is overturned!
- LEGALIZE ASSISTED SUICIDE in what has been called “the most extreme assisted suicide bill in the U.S.” by the International Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, and
- REMOVE CONSCIENCE PROTECTIONS which will force healthcare providers in New Mexico to participate in abortion and euthanasia, or drive them out of the state!
Pro-life leaders across New Mexico and the nation have scrambled to bring you an EMERGENCY WEBCAST taking place in just three days on Friday, January 22 at 7:00 PM Mountain.
Because of the EXTREME URGENCY of this radical anti-life legislation, in less than 24 hours, we’ve had DOZENS of state and national leaders jumping to help YOU to take action and be a part of a united pro-life solution, including:
- Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life
- David Bereit, Founder of 40 Days for Life
- Claire Culwell, Twin Abortion Survivor
- Jessica Duran, New Mexico Abortion Industry Victim
- Terrisa Bukovinac, Democrats for Life & Secular Pro-Life
- Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
- Catherine Glenn Foster, Americans United for Life
- Yvette Harrell, U.S. Congresswoman
- Bill Sharer, NM State Senator
- Dr. Gregg Schmedes, NM State Representative
- Rebecca Dow, NM State Representative
- David Gallegos, NM State Representative
- Marcos Lares, Students for Life NMSU
- Ester Garcia, Rachel’s Vineyard
- Roberta Cheek, Care Net of Santa Fe
- Bud & Tara Shaver, Abortion Free NM
- Ethel Maharg, New Mexico Right to Life
- Elisa Martinez, NM Alliance for Life
- Dominique Davis, Project Defending Life
- Mike Seibel, Abortion on Trial
- Deacon Steve Rangel, Archdiocese of Santa Fe
And there are even more speakers and announcements still in development, so be sure you don’t miss out on further updates by registering for this one-time-only webcast for all of New Mexico by clicking the button below:
With ONLY 3 DAYS before this urgent event, please do everything you can to help spread the word! Forward this email and share www.NewMexicoMarchForLife.com on social media.”
Join Us For Prayer: National Sanctity of Human Life Day
On the “Sanctity of Human Life Day” Friday January 22, 2021 there are multiple opportunities to join the pro-life community across New Mexico for prayer and pro-active steps to stand for life!
- Pray and fast at home in remembrance of the more than 60 million innocent lives lost by abortion.
- Private prayer at the gravesite of aborted babies Ryan and Eve anytime throughout the day.
- Join us from 5:30pm-6:00pm for a candlelight prayer vigil (candles provided).
- Location: Sandia Memory Gardens, 9500 San Pedro NE., Albuquerque, NM 87113
- Turn right into cemetery going north on San Pedro and look for the balloons.
- Emergency Pro-Life Webcast online starting at 7pm: Register For The Webcast