By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, New Mexico- The statement “Elections have consequences” could not be more true as we await the conclusion of the 2020 election in New Mexico and across the nation. As President Trump mounts a legal challenge to the overwhelming treasonous voter fraud perpetuated across the country, New Mexico has also been implicated in massive voter fraud.
According to the Pinon Post,
“New Mexico uses Dominion Voting Systems to tabulate votes, the same software which has “glitched” in states like Michigan that changed thousands of Republican votes in swing districts to Democrat. It is unclear if similar irregularities happened in New Mexico elections, as just minutes after the polls closed at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, Joe Biden was prematurely declared the winner of New Mexico, despite zero votes being counted yet.”
- Read the full report here: Ted Cruz says New Mexico still ‘vigorously contested’ state in presidential election
As evidence of massive voter fraud has mounted in the aftermath of the November 3rd election, organic “Stop The Steal” protests organized across the country. On Saturday November 7, 2020 Bud joined Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe along with Cowboys For Trump, Bikers For Trump and hundreds of fellow patriots to protest the open treason being conducted by anti-American, anti-God, anti-life forces hell bent on stealing this election and destroying our state and country.

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, “Some with guns and rosaries, protesters screamed claims of election fraud in New Mexico and across the country. Members of both Cowboys For Trump and Bikers For Trump also spoke, as did anti-abortion and Second Amendment activists.”
Moving Forward, Moving On?
This election has caused us to pause and reflect on our 10 years of ministry in New Mexico. When we moved here a decade ago, our mission was uniquely focused to oppose late term abortion and expose New Mexico as the, “Late Term Abortion Capital” a designation we coined back in 2010 when we moved here after interning with Operation Rescue.
Our ministry efforts over the past 10 years ironically can best be summarized by The New Mexico Political Report, (a subsidiary of Progress Now New Mexico):
“New Mexico for nearly a decade has been the declared ‘mission field’ for some of the country’s most strident activists opposed to abortion. Bud and Tara Shaver, an activist couple with ties to Operation Rescue, relocated to Albuquerque in 2010 upon invitation from Father Stephen Imbarrato, a Catholic Priest.
The Shavers publicly labeled Albuquerque the ‘late-term abortion capital of the world,’ centering many of their networked efforts on the University of New Mexico and the medical practice of abortion provider Southwest Women’s Options. With a stated goal of making New Mexico ‘abortion-free,’ the Shavers have continued to work with Imbarrato, whose rhetoric and activism overlaps theirs in both urgency and focus.”
Politics in New Mexico when we moved here, was characterized by those running for office not wanting to make abortion a major campaign issue, and once elected, an even more neglected priority. We have worked tirelessly the past 10 years to remedy this political travesty. Our efforts on this front, can best be summarized by this Cosmopolitan article regarding our efforts to solidify the dismal legacy of republican Governor Susana Martinez who took office in 2010 the year we moved here.
After ten years of “crying out in the wilderness” for political leadership to take a bold stand against abortion our cries finally reached the heart of one political party in New Mexico in the 2020 election. Opposing late term abortion became a primaryfocus of the Republican Party both nationally and locally, in fact, Republican candidates vowed to work to end late-term abortion when elected. Even the state’s largest newspaper, The Albuquerque Journal used this issue as a litmus test for the US Congressional candidates, asking each of them this question,
“Do you favor or oppose limits on late-term abortion, and do you believe tax dollars should or should not be used to fund abortions?”
This fact alone proved to us that we have been effective in changing the narrative in New Mexico politics. In spite of dismal election day results for local legislative races here in New Mexico, the tide has certainly changed and the preservation of life has become a central theme. Each candidate that we worked with and helped with their campaigns gave it their all. These candidates worked every political strategy during their campaign to change New Mexico and presented their voters with a clear choice. The choice was freedom over government control, life not death and direct solutions to improving the lives of all New Mexicans.

The majority of New Mexicans are either too stubborn or ignorant to choose rightly or voter fraud is to blame for keeping our state under the bondage of the corrupt democrat party. Unfortunately, nothing will change with New Mexico’s dismalnational rankings, the prospective of stopping the governor’s unchecked tyranny or for pro-life legislation for at least the next two to four years.
Thank you for standing with us as we have also given it our all to stand with godly candidates for a better New Mexico during this election cycle. We were blessed to meet so many new people, support the candidates with door to door efforts, organizing campaign mailers and so much more. We do all that we can and leave the rest up to the voters and to the Lord. What happens next for us and for this state is truly in His hands.

In the two weeks leading up to our state’s and this nation’s most important election, we were deplatformed and our voice was censored off of some of the most influential social media sites. Our Abortion Free New Mexico YouTube channel was terminated without warning or notice!
- One News Now Report: Pro-life videos ‘disappear’ from YouTube, says group
- Video’s back up at Vimeo
CENSORED X 2! Twitter permanently suspended both of my accounts, Pro Life Witness and Abortion Free New Mexico at the same time on the same day with no explanation or way to remedy!
- Follow me at my new Twitter account @ShaverBud
- Due to all of the censorship, everyone is moving to Parler! Follow me there @BudShaver

Faith to Action Friday
Stand Up For Life in front of the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion facility.
- Join Us: Faith to Action Friday November 13th and 20th.
- Time: 10-11am
- Location: 2301 Yale Blvd. SE. in Albuquerque.
- Use street parking on Renard.
- Click here to learn more
If we accomplish nothing else, we must succeed in protesting the evil of our generation! One hour a week is all it takes to save a baby’s life and to light up the darkness in your community.