By Tara Shaver,
Albuquerque, NM- Planned Parenthood has been caught red handed yet again breaking the law, this time, by selling body parts of their victims, innocent pre-born children. On July 14, 2015 The Center for Medical Progress released a groundbreaking undercover video exposing the illegal trafficking of human body parts.
This investigation has further solidified the concern that Americans currently have with the killing business of the nations largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood received $540.6 million in government grants in 2013, from hard working Americans’ tax dollars. Apparently half a BILLION dollars annually from tax-payers isn’t enough so they have resorted to harvesting every last penny from their victims as possible, regardless if their actions are in violation of federal law. The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).
Instead of being highly scrutinized Planned Parenthood often receives free passes at the federal level, this report has been the catalyst for several Governors to call for state investigations of Planned Parenthood’s killing business. Protest ABQ has reason to believe that the selling of baby body parts is occurring here in the land of Enchantment.
In a document provided to us from a woman who suffered complications after an abortion at Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, women who obtain late-term abortions are forced to agree to the following terms: “I understand that tissue and parts will be removed during the procedure, and I consent to their examination and their use in medical research and their disposal by the clinic and/or physician in the manner they deem appropriate.”
SWO Consent Form-prolifewitness by Bud Shaver
Every woman obtaining an abortion at this facility must agree to this stipulation since there is not an option to decline. Is Southwestern Women’s Options selling baby parts for an extra profit? In a state where abortion facilities are completely unregulated Protest ABQ is leading the call to demand an answer from our elected officials.
Another Albuquerque abortion facility that is a cause for concern is the University of New Mexico Center for Reproductive Health (UNMCRH). The University of New Mexico itself has a biomedical research arm using both “from cell- and animal-based laboratory studies.”
Volunteers outside of the UNMCRH have routinely witnessed University of New Mexico employees from the Health Sciences Center department come to the abortion facility and leave with suspicious materials. These pickups would occur on different days than when Stericycle would come to pick up the aborted babies for disposal.
For years members of Protest ABQ have been sounding the alarm about New Mexico’s abortion cartel that runs free of any kind of oversight. The medical board ignores complaints against abortionists and facilities are never inspected by the Department of Health. It would be naive to assume that this new information about Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts for profit is isolated to just them. This is simply an indication of how the abortion cartel at large is operating. Abortion facilities all across the nation are on the look out for ways to line their pockets with money and in the late term abortion capital of the nation this requires further investigation.
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato issued the following statement:
“As a staff priest for Priests For Life, I stand in solidarity with Rev Patrick Mahoney, the Christian Defense Coalition, Mark Harrington, Created Equal and others as they peacefully protest Planned Parenthood today July 15, 2015 at the Nation’s Capitol.
I am calling on pro-life, pro-family activists nationally to peacefully protest Planned Parenthood in their cities and states. I will be holding a press conference and leading a protest of Planned Parenthood later this week with Protest ABQ here in Albuquerque to highlight the need for Governors and State Attorney Generals across the country to join GOV. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and GOV. Greg Abbott of Texas to investigate Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities.
The laws of our states and country should not be “open to interpretation” by Planned Parenthood and left to the abortion industry to justify illegal activities. More information about the Protest and Press Conference to come.”
Call Governor Martinez and Attorney General Hector Balderas and ask for an investigation into New Mexico’s abortion facilities.
Attorney General Hector Balderas
(505) 827-6000
Governor Martinez