By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, NM– Abortion Free New Mexico has been working with Priests for Life to release 24 undercover phone calls to late term abortion mills across 16 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.). Each one of these calls documents the willingness of the abortion industry to perform late term abortions on healthy mothers who are pregnant with healthy babies from 20 weeks of pregnancy and beyond. These calls cut through the pro-abortion rhetoric and exposes their lies about the necessity of late term abortions. These recordings give the public the opportunity to hear the abortion industry in their own words, that late term abortions are common and done electively on babies that are healthy.
Special Webcast held last night with Tara Shaver and Fr. Frank Pavone. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE REPLAY OF THE WEBCAST
Why support the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act?
- By focusing on pain, we are able to humanize the baby in the womb. the questions become: Who feels pain? How do they feel pain? How do we stop them from feeling pain?
- Every life is unique, precious, and unrepeatable. This legislation is a small step toward protecting every baby. If we can end late term abortion at 20 weeks, we will be halfway towards our ultimate goal: Over turning Roe vs. Wade and protecting all of the babies!
- Public support is overwhelmingly behind this legislation. The pro-life community and the pro-abortion contingency agree that late term abortion is too extreme and must end.
- This legislation has been passed in multiple states (17) across America.
What can you do?
- Call and email your U.S. Senators and ask them to support the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Find your Senator here.
- If you have already contacted your U.S. Senator, contact them AGAIN.
- Share this information and encourage everyone you know to contact their U.S. Senator.
- Share these video’s and information on social media.
“We want people to download the recordings and transcripts and share them far and wide, in their churches, on social media and in whatever other way they can,” Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life.
- You can download the recordings and transcripts here: Exposed: Late Term Abortion
For Clergy
“We want pastors to preach about this and candidates to be challenged in town hall meetings,” Fr. Pavone said. Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico and Irene Zamorano, a member of Silent No More Awareness Campaign, will be guests on the webcast.
A second webcast for clergy is scheduled for Thursday, January 11 at 3 p.m. EST. Please share with your Pastor or Priest.
- Join the clergy webcast here: Help us Protect Babies in the womb who feel Pain
- Church Militant published an article about our work with Priests for Life and webcast: WEBCAST UNVEILS NEW TOOLS TO CRUSH ABORTION INDUSTRY’S LIES