(Pictured above- Michelle Garcia Holmes (R), candidate for Lt. Governor and Congressman Steve Pearce (R), candidate for Governor at the New Mexico Republican Primary Convention where Abortion Free New Mexico had a networking table)
Albuquerque, NM- The Santa Fe New Mexican published an article on Sunday March 25, 2018, “On abortion, Pearce would mark shift to right in New Mexico” highlighting the pro-life credentials of Congressman Steve Pearce who is currently running unopposed as the republican candidate for Governor of New Mexico.
Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement validating the pro-life credentials of Congressman Steve Pearce,
Our concerns for New Mexico are not fringe, but common sense and reasonable for everyone. New Mexico’s ongoing crisis of being the unrestricted and unregulated late term abortion capital of the nation has been ignored for too long. The current Governor, Susana Martinez (R) was ill advised and took the wrong approach to addressing this crisis. Abortion Free New Mexico leaders have for years exposed the nation to the horrors of this reality and have led the charge in calling upon all of New Mexico’s leaders to use their positions as elected officials to stand on their principles and to stand up for the children of New Mexico. These children that are residing in the sanctuary of their mothers wombs are currently deprived of their most fundamental right, the sacred right to life.
Steve Pearce cares not only for the protection of all of New Mexico’s children but also about the well being of New Mexico women who are left vulnerable to substandard care currently being subsidised by our tax dollars at unregulated New Mexico abortion mills.
In March of this year, Congressman Pearce issued the following statement regarding the letter of confirmation from the New Mexico Medical Board, to Abortion Free New Mexico, stating their intention to investigate notorious late term abortionist Curtis Boyd’s involvement in the abortion related death of a local Albuquerque woman in 2017,
“[The] New Mexico Medical Board has officially launched an investigation into Curtis Boyd, owner of Southwestern Women’s Options, following the death of an Albuquerque woman who suffered from complications during a late term abortion. This investigation into Boyd, who performed the abortion, is rightfully happening after much delay. I have been in the fight to uphold the law and protect freedoms and liberties of women in New Mexico and across the nation. No one is above the law, and it is time we hold those accountable for their wrongful actions.”
Here is the letter we received from the New Mexico Medical Board: New Mexico Medical Board Letter Confirms Curtis Boyd Under Investigation
“As Governor we are confident that Steve Pearce will lead New Mexico with the conviction of his pro-family and pro-faith principles and stand up for all of New Mexico’s children. New Mexico needs leaders who will work to bring New Mexico out of its current downward spiral which past administrations have neglected.”
Now is the time to elect pro-life leaders in New Mexico who will act on behalf of pre-born babies and their mothers. Please consider how you can be a part of helping to get Steve Pearce elected as Governor of New Mexico. Visit his campaign website: PearceForNM.com and fill out the volunteer form to see how you can be involved.