“In 2013, Project 52 was launched, Project 52 is an interdenominational church initiative engaging congregations for 52 weeks a year in promoting the sanctity of human life.”
Back in May, Bud had the opportunity to speak at a National Day of Prayer event hosted here in Albuquerque (Click here to listen to Bud’s talk), he encouraged local church leaders to become more active in our community as a voice for LIFE. In response to his talk, Bud met with local pastors about his vision for churches to become more active in our city. On September 30th, Project 52 was launched and we joined with local Pastors to host a press conference out at late-term abortion clinic Southwestern Women’s Options. Here is an excerpt from the news coverage by local news channel KOAT 7:
Pastors gather to support late-term abortion ban
“Pastors gathered to be the voice for unborn babies. They prayed for the end of abortion.
Pastors and demonstrators hoped their rallies would have an influence on banning late-term abortions locally.
The idea behind Project 52 is to have a presence at the abortion clinics 52 weeks a year, and to put pressure on the residents of Albuquerque to support the ban in the upcoming election.
Pastors said they will gather and protest abortions until there is a change.”
Click here to read more from of our press conference and watch the video coverage here: http://www.koat.com/news/new-mexico/albuquerque/pastors-gather-to-support-lateterm-abortion-ban/-/9153728/22203852/-/98sufo/-/index.html#ixzz2gQmgMmZw
Project 52 is an interdenominational church initiative engaging congregations for 52 weeks a year in promoting the sanctity of human life from the time of conception. Providing a framework for multi-faceted action to facilitate a culture honoring and understanding the value of Human life in all aspects of our society.
“As our hearts become broken over what has broken God’s heart we will see His mighty power working on our behalf. So we would like to share this message to our churches and pastors, to every person who has a heart to end the shedding of innocent blood; and ask that the hearts of our pastors to be broken and this brokenness of heart to be passed on to the members of their congregation and we will see the kingdom of darkness start to fall one by one as we persevere.” – Pastor Washington
“Project 52 is about bringing churches together, not in doctrine, but its about bringing churches together to try and save innocent babies whose voices have not even been heard yet. Jesus calls all of us to bear fruit and one thing that you can do as a church in this city, is you can stand for the lives of unborn children.” -Pastor Mark Mullaney
Watch this promo video to learn more about our latest effort to educate and active the Christian community in Albuquerque, New Mexico to end abortion in our city one woman, one child, one week at a time!
Also, in response to our efforts here in Albuquerque, Project 52 went national with Project 52 Milwaukee!
“We are Milwaukee Project 52 which started in Albuquerque. Bringing 52 churches together in Milwaukee to cover Abortion clinics 52 weeks a year in Prayer and outreach to women considering abortion.”
Share the awareness and hopefully we will hear about Project 52 kicking off in your city!