On February 13, 2014 another woman was rushed to the hospital from SWO. This is the 16th botched abortion that we’ve documented since 2008 at SWO and the 2nd in two months. Women will continue to be injured at this clinic until it is closed in the interest of the public safety.
“We are also very concerned about any possibility that these injuries may be related to the Ryan Residency Training Program at the University of New Mexico that allows medical students to perform abortions in a clinical setting, which all 3 Albuquerque abortion clinics are participating in,” stated Fr. Imbarrato, Founder of Project Defending Life and Protest ABQ.
New Mexico abortion clinics are completely unregulated and lack any oversight from state and local authorities which continues to put women’s lives at risk.Since the New Mexico Department of Health and the New Mexico Medical Board refuse to protect unsuspecting women seeking abortions we rely solely upon those who volunteer their time at local abortion clinics to document these injuries. It is long overdue that local and state authorities acknowledge and act on this serious crisis.
“Our prayers are with this woman and those like her who will continue to be injured at Southwestern Women’s Options. Those in authority in New Mexico who continue to turn a blind eye to the abortion crisis here in Albuquerque bear direct responsibility due to their inaction,” said Tara Shaver of Project Defending Life.

(Special thanks to local activists from Project Defending Life and the AHA/Abolitionist Society of Greater Albuquerque Area for the pictures! The top picture was taken on Feb. 13, 2014. The bottom picture was taken on March 27, 2014)