by, Orae Dominguez
Who are the members of this coalition seeking to defeat the pain capable ordinance? The RCRC was started by a minister in the 60s whose network of ministers procured pregnant women for Back-alley abortionists like mass murder Kermit Gosnell and Curtis Boyd. Boyd seems to have had a perfect safety record doing back alley abortions but one of his abortion patients has died and several have been injured in “safe legal abortions”. They took the name religious coalition for reproductive choice in 1973 to promote abortion and Roe v Wade, they “counsel” hesitant women in Albuquerque to have abortions.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, in 2011-2012 PPFA slaughtered a record 333,964 preborn children, generating an estimated $150 million, and that overall nearly $1.2 billion in revenue was generated. PPFA’s income included a hefty and ever-increasing check from American taxpayers in 2011-2012 it reached a staggering $542.4 million.
ACLUNM a branch of the national American Civil Liberties Union. Working against Albuquerque’s community standards by reintroducing the filth of pornography, not allowing God into our schools, and promoting the continuing torture, mutilation, and lethal injection of innocent babies in the womb, while protecting “Cop killers” from lethal injection and war criminals from torture. Why should the ACLU bully the citizens of Albuquerque with the threat of lawsuits for trying to uphold their standards of decency and fairness? Why can’t these national based groups have pity on the little babies of Albuquerque?
One can read the ordinance at ABQDeservesBetter.com