A reminder of why we launched Protest ABQ…
Why Protest? Why Protest ABQ?
FLASHBACK- Local KOB Report covering the launch of Protest ABQ: Group launches new anti-abortion campaign- The group that launched a campaign to ban late term abortions in Albuquerque says they are here to stay. WATCH THE COVERAGE HERE
Albuquerque’s Anti-Abortion Activists Unfazed After 20-Week Ban Defeat
“We must resolve to proclaim even louder the truth about abortion, reach even further into our community and keep coming back until we win and establish justice for the babies.” ~Bud and Tara Shaver, co-founders of Protest ABQ along with Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest
Read the full article here: Talking Points Memo
2013: NM Top Headlines
“Those who succeeded in putting the proposal to a historic vote vowed their fight is not over.”
Read the #5 Top Headline in New Mexico of 2013- ABORTION BAN here: Associated Press
Our Response, Protest ABQ…
Visit our WHY PROTEST? page for more information: WHY PROTEST?
Well we aren’t backing down!
Nurse Practitioner Doing Abortions Illegally In NM
In April we continued our research efforts and filed a formal nursing board complaint against abortionist Vivianne Clark, a nurse practitioner who is doing illegal abortions up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Clark is employed by Planned Parenthood of New Mexico. It’s no surprise to learn that even in NM, Planned Parenthood thinks that they can get away with violating a state statute that implicitly requires physicians to perform abortions.
We have asked the New Mexico Nursing Board to do a thorough investigation of Vivianne Clark’s abortion involvement and have supplied them with sufficient evidence to take appropriate action against her license.
Read our report here: Complaint Filed: Planned Parenthood Nurse Breaking NM Law By Performing Abortions
Please pray that this and all of our efforts bear abundant fruit for the cause of life in New Mexico.
“Because they do not regard the works of Yahweh nor the deeds of His hands, He will tear them down and not build them up.” Psalm 28:5
Our Protest efforts continue…
(Protest ABQ sponsored the 2016 Protest PP national event where over 70 were in attendance.)
Thanks The HUB of New Mexico and the Harms Report for your coverage of #ProtestPP in Albuquerque, New Mexico and ALL of those who came out to Protest Planned Parenthood.
Read testimonies from the street: Pro-lifers Protest Albuquerque Planned Parenthood
Recap from the national sponsors of #ProtestPP: Over 10,000 join 1st Annual Nationwide Planned Parenthood Protest
(Protest of political event sponsored by late term abortionist Carmen Landau from SWO.)
(UNM Campus protest of Paul Roth.)
In addition, this month we continued to expose those at the University of New Mexico- UNM who are responsible for their radical abortion agenda and ruining the reputation of this university.
UNM Pumps out Abortionists While the Overall Demand for Abortions Dwindle
In April Reuters reported that even though the number of abortion clinics is dwindling, young medical doctors who want to kill babies by abortion are on the rise due to training programs like Medical Students for Choice and the Ryan Residency Training Program.
Both programs contribute to the radical abortion agenda that is deeply entrenched at the University of New Mexico.
We expounded on this article to connect the dots between UNM abortion training and Curtis Boyd in addition to the fact that UNM’s radical abortion agenda will only end when Paul Roth and abortionist Eve Espey have their employment terminated.
We coupled this report with a call to action.
Read the full report here: UNM Pumps out Abortionists While the Overall Demand for Abortions Dwindle
Please pray that the UNM Regents and UNM President will act swiftly to turn this “University of Death” around.
ABQ Journal- NM remains at center of fetal tissue debate
MediaMatters- What Media Should Know About The Anti-Choice Group Protest ABQ (Badge of honor to be attacked by this dis-info arm of Obama’s White House)
Live Action News- Planned Parenthood denies its nurse is doing illegal abortions
Life News- Planned Parenthood Accused of Having Nurse Illegally Perform Abortions in Violation of State Law
Live Action News- Pro-life group says New Mexico nurse performed illegal abortions
Associated Press- Planned Parenthood abortion drug prescriptions net complaint
ABQ Journal- Abortion drug at center of complaint
Love in Christ,
The Shaver Family
Thank YOU for standing with us, for your prayers and for making our pro-life efforts in New Mexico possible!
Secure tax deductible donations can be made online HERE
(Just select Bud and Tara- Pro-Life Witness)
“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7