By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico– The weather is warming up and we have been just as busy as ever. We know that the battle for life in New Mexico requires time, commitment and a variety of strategies in multiple areas. As pro-life missionaries we are laying it all on the line in order to be a voice for the voiceless and to advance God’s kingdom as we put our faith into action. We are building a pro-life army and we need your help. Please consider hosting a pro-life movie screening of the film Voiceless and also be sure to sign up at our website to pray for an hour outside one of our cities darkest places, where the light of Christ is so desperately needed. EVERY life is worth it. Thank you for standing with us through your prayers, support and mighty words of encouragement. God Bless You!
REPORT: New Mexico Leads The Nation With The Highest Percentage Of Late Term Abortions

According to the most recent data, published in 2019 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), New Mexico unfortunately leads the nation with the highest percentage of late-term abortions. The CDC report, “Abortion Surveillance — United States, 2019” published on November 26, 2021 confirms what Abortion Free New Mexico has been sounding the alarm on for many years…

Great turnout to Abortion Free New Mexico’s screening of the Pro-Life Movie to Movement movie, Voiceless. Special guest speakers included Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico, Michele Beglau of Silent No More Awareness, Felicia Stone who went undercover at 37 weeks pregnant (watch the undercover footage featured at AbortionFreeNM.com), Patrick Garr whose family adopted two children, Jennifer Ward of Care Net, and Doug Abrams of Casa De Mariposa.

This month, Abortion Free New Mexico continued to partner with Off The Cuff ABQ Talk Radio hosting a pro-life resource table and voter registration at community events. We joined Bo Diddley Jr. and Duke City Pix at the Chola Calendar Release Car Show in the South Valley of Albuquerque.

The Spanish speaking “Isleta Church of Christ: Iglesia De Cristo” is the closest church (0.5 mile) from the UNM Center for Reproductive Health Late-Term abortion facility. After reaching out to, fellowshipping with and sharing a presentation with them about Abortion In New Mexico and our new initiative, “No Sidewalk Without the Savior” launching on April 1, 2022 they enthusiastically agreed to partner with us!
“No Sidewalk Without the Savior” Prayer Initiative Launching April 1, 2022
In Matthew 18:20 Jesus tells us that, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” No Sidewalk Without the Savior is an effort to make sure that two people are prayerfully present outside of the UNM Center for Reproductive Health abortion facility every hour that they are open. When the body of Christ is present and availible, God is able to open hearts and minds to the reality of what is happening in our community and to also bring conviction to the women seeking abortions there. Abortion Free New Mexico is asking the pro-life community to come together and volunteer for just a one-hour weekly or monthly commitment at a location where the hope of Christ is so desperately needed.
- Will you join us to make sure that No Sidewalk is without the Savior? SIGN UP for one hour
- Guest Article- UNM: From Heartbreak to Hope
Faith to Action Friday (April 1, 2022)
Since April 1st is the launch date for our new initiative and it coincides with Faith to Action Friday, we will gather first at Isleta Church of Christ for collective prayer & speakers, then we will take a short prayer walk together to the UNMCRH abortion facility.
- Time: 10-11am
- Location: Meet at the parking lot of Isleta Church of Christ: Iglesia De Cristo located at 2424 Miles Rd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106.
- Event Details: 10AM for prayer, special speakers and a short (0.5 mile) prayer walk to the UNM Center For Reproductive Health abortion facility concluding at 11AM.
Your monthly and one time donations enable us to do this life saving work full-time. Click here if you would like to donate securely online. We use Cornerstone Payment Systems as a Christian alternative to Paypal. Also, now offering an e-check option.
Thank you for your continued prayers, support and for standing with us in this battle for LIFE.