By Bud Shaver,
Albuquerque, New Mexico- Abortion Free New Mexico is maintaining a daily/weekly presence at three local abortion facilities. Volunteers directly engage with women, men and family members to offer resources and the hope that is only found in Jesus Christ. Abortion Free New Mexico considers abortion centers to be a mission field, a mother seeking to kill her unborn child needs the gospel more than anything else.
On Monday, June 10th Tara joined another volunteer for sidewalk counseling at the Alamo Women’s abortion center. Here are the reasons women and couples gave for seeking to end the life of their child in the womb:
- “When I told my boyfriend I was pregnant he told me to get rid of it. I already have one child, have had one abortion and I attend church regularly.”
- “We already have so many kids.” (Older couple from Texas that looked to be in their 30’s-40’s)
- “I already have 4 kids, my husband and I have already decided to do this.” (Mom admitted to having a previous abortion and believes in God and said that God would forgive her. Doesn’t attend church but does her own study of the Bible.)
- “It’s Ok.”
While on the sidewalk, volunteers urge mothers and fathers to love their unborn child and to consider them as they do their born children. Our team also tells them the truth about fetal development, abortion effects and long term consequences. We also make sure they know that the abortion center is a business that wants to get paid for ending a life. Our team is grateful to be able to give these moms a Love Box with items to point their hearts toward their children.

(We are partnering with Embrace Grace and sharing their Love Box on the sidewalk.)
See the video below and please respond with your thoughts. How would you respond to the notion that “God will forgive me?”
Engaging the culture outside of an abortion center is a battleground. Most people entering believe they know Christ, yet they don’t honor Him with their actions or their lives. Please pray for those of us on the sidewalks each day and consider joining our team. This world needs Jesus, we must bring Him to them.
How would you respond to the overwhelming response from out of state Texas women coming to New Mexico for their abortions?
“Yes, I believe in God, but he will just forgive me after I have this abortion.”
- Join our team at AbortionFreeNM.com
Replying to her statement about sinning: “God will forgive me!”
God’s word says in Hebrews chapter 10, verse 26
“For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.”
God’s word also says in 1 John chapter 3, verse 8
“‘Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning…”
From Dave and Eileen