By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, New Mexico- Abortion Free New Mexico is urging the public, especially University of New Mexico (UNM) Alumni and those with relatives attending UNM, to let their voices be heard at the next virtual Board of Regents Meeting on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. Details on how to sign up below.
UNM, the state’s tax funded university, has it’s own free standing abortion facility (Center for Reproductive Health) that kills pre-born babies up to 24 weeks old in the womb. According to this 2016 analysis and this 2016 study, babies born at 24 weeks or 6 months gestation have a 60-70% survival rate. Viable babies who have a great chance of survival are being aborted by the University of New Mexico and it’s leaders need to act swiftly to see that this comes to an end.
In addition, for several months now, the UNM Center for Reproductive Health has fixed a banner on its building boasting that “Heroes Work Here” but nothing could be further from the truth. Abortionists are not heroes, they have betrayed true medicine by taking innocent human lives. This banner is offensive and merely serves to prop up the egos of those who perpetuate a culture of death in New Mexico.
“It is unconscionable that The University of New Mexico (UNM) is using taxpayer dollars to fund an abortion facility that exploits women, many in crisis situations, who need legitimate solutions to the problems they face. There is no reason or mandate for UNM to operate this free-standing abortion facility and so the pro-life community must let their voices be heard and urge UNM leadership to take appropriate action to close this facility immediately. Heroes do not work at abortion facilities, the heroes are the moms who choose life for their babies,” stated Tara Shaver.
- Learn more and read/sign the petition launched by Abortion Free New Mexico: UNM REMOVE “HEROES WORK HERE” BANNER AND CLOSE ABORTION FACILITY (UNMCRH)
Register as soon as possible and no later than Monday, February 15th at noonby sending an emailing regents@unm.edu with the subject “Request to provide public comment at 2/16 Regents’ Meeting”, and include the information below:
- 1. First name and last name
- 2. Email address and telephone number
- 3. Affiliated organization (if applicable)
- 4. Professional Title (if applicable)
- 5. Topic you would like to address- (UNM’s abortion facility and/or Heroes worker banner)
Instructions on steps to follow in order to provide public comment will be emailed to registered speakers.
- To attend the virtual meeting click here at 9:00am on Tuesday, February 16th.

Faith to Action Friday
Stand Up For Life in front of the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion facility
- Join Us: Faith to Action Friday on the 1st Friday of Every Month
- March 5th, 2021
- Time: 10-11am
- Location: 2301 Yale Blvd. SE. in Albuquerque.
- Use street parking on Renard.
- Click here to learn more
“If we accomplish nothing else, we must succeed in protesting the evil of our generation! One hour is all it takes to save a baby’s life and to light up the darkness in your community.” Bud Shaver, Abortion Free New Mexico