By Bud Shaver,
Undercover investigations, Patriot Rallies across New Mexico, Protest, Voter registration drives, candidate door to door efforts, candidate signature drives, prayer and lives saved.
This month we laid it all on the line!
Thank you for standing with us as the Lord has catapulted us into the new year! 2020 is a monumental year in which we believe the Lord is opening the door wide (Rev. 3:8) and raising up the leadership to make New Mexico Abortion Free! Thank you for continuing to sow into our ministry with your faithful prayers and support. We are so excited to share with you this month how the Lord has honored and answered your prayers. We have asked you to pray that more churches would open their doors, and so this month God answered big by helping us (through a friend) have a voter registration table at the largest church in the state!
We have also asked you to pray for godly candidates to rise up, and God delivered in a big way as we discovered this month that there is a behind the scenes movement to recruit conservative candidates across New Mexico. We were also delighted to learn that a Christian woman and friend has decided to run against Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino, the legislator who is an openly pro-abortion Catholic and consistently kills pro-life bills at the legislature! She had no idea of his reputation when she decided to run, but God knew! We are also helping a dear friend Manny who is running against another NM State Senator who pushes the most radically progressive agenda in Santa Fe and who has never had a Republican challenger! Well in 2020 he will, and Tara is the official Treasurer of this campaign that will unseat him and help turn New Mexico Red!
Praise the Lord and please keep your prayers and support coming as we fight for LIFE and a better New Mexico for ALL. God Bless You!!

El Paso, TX- If we can’t get New Mexico to enforce their laws, we’ll try Texas!
“The total disregard by Gloria Martinez, as a nurse and clinic manager, to comply with both state and federal laws is quite concerning as her negligence poses serious life threatening consequences to the unsuspecting women who believe they are being seen by a licensed physician who is following proper protocols.” Tara Shaver Abortion Free New Mexico
In addition to the Texas Nursing Board, Abortion Free New Mexico has submitted this complaint to the Attorney General of Texas as well.
In the News:
- Texas Nurse Caught Doing Illegal Abortions, Endangering Several Women’s Lives
- Undercover report: Nurse in Texas may be committing illegal abortions

Santa Fe, NM- In an amazing turn of events, the radical pro-abortion agenda that was defeated last year has been tabled this legislative session due to the lack of votes! “We simply do not have the votes” Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth, D-Santa Fe. Thanks to those who are standing together in solidarity to defend the sanctity of LIFE including the Republican legislators and the Pro-Life Catholic Democrat legislators, Governor Lujan Grisham’s radical pro-abortion agenda has been tabled this session and LIFE once again prevails!
- In the News: Pro-lifer hits back over pro-abortion message

UNM Health Sciences Chancellor, Paul Roth, who is the godfather of the radical abortion agenda at UNM announced his retirement and…

- We joined the pro-life community in Santa Fe on January 22, 2020 for the Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day.

- God is answering our prayers to raise up Godly candidates to lead New Mexico under the Lordship of Christ, so we are all in and working hard to get them elected!

- We knocked doors for several Conservative Candidates in a unified effort to get out the vote in 2020!

- We were at the largest Evangelical Church in New Mexico registering voters all month! “We are too Mr. President!” This month we registered over 60 people! This is how we are working hard to help turn New Mexico Red down the ballot in 2020!

- We stood in solidarity with the New Mexico Sheriffs, the Patriot community, and US Congressional Candidate Michelle Garcia Holmes (R- CD1) in support of our God given right to self defense, that shall not be infringed!

Albuquerque, New Mexico- Abortion Free New Mexico stood in Solidarity with the protesters out at the notorious late-term abortion killing center, Southwestern Women’s Options.
These lovely ladies (pictured above) came all the way from Canada to protest late-term abortion!
Joe (on the ladder) was recently arrested for ministering peacefully on his ladder! We put him in contact with our awesome lawyer Angelo and the charges were thrown out. So Joe is back! Please keep his efforts in your prayers, countless (confirmed) babies have been saved due to his faithful protest presence. Yes, Protesting does save lives!
- Did you know Albuquerque is known as the Late-Term Abortion Capital of the World?
- People come from all across the world to have their babies killed though all nine months of pregnancy!
- Why? Because New Mexico law allows it!
“If we accomplish nothing else, we must succeed at protesting the evil of our generation!” Bud Shaver, Abortion Free New Mexico

- We continued our weekly Faith To Action Prayer & Protest Presence out at UNM’s abortion clinic UNMCRH. Resolve to Protest in 2020!
Faith to Action Friday

Join Us in February!
- Faith to Action Fridays, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th.
- Time: 12-1pm
- Location: 2301 Yale Blvd. SE. in Albuquerque.
- Use street parking on Renard.
Stand Up For Life in front of the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion facility.

Please pray with us for New Mexico
- For: Abortionist Franz Theard’s conversion and for him to abandon his abortion businesses. (1 in NM and 1 in TX)
- The Texas Board of Nursing complaint that we have filed against Gloria Martinez to result in the loss of her license.
- For: The Pro-Life candidates that are collecting signatures and getting ready to launch their campaigns for the 2020 election.
- For: Christians to engage the culture war and for more churches to welcome us in to educate and register voters.
- For: Effective collaboration between like minded groups in New Mexico to end abortion, educate and effect future elections.
- Please pray for wisdom for us in our marriage, as parents and for our ministry to be fruitful.
Thank you for standing with us for life!
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 9 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
We are pursuing and working toward an abortion free New Mexico, where every pre-born child is valued and protected.
- We couldn’t do this important work without God’s calling and hand upon us as well as your faithful prayers and support.
We would be blessed to have you partner with us in this ministry. Your prayers and support are invaluable.
Ways to partner with us as we work to build an Abortion Free New Mexico
- Pray for our efforts in New Mexico
- Join us for our events this month
- Make an online tax-deductible donation here
- Contact Real Estate for Life when buying or purchasing a home.
- Select Life Ministries US as your charitable organization at smile.Amazon.com