Albuquerque, NM- This month Tara had the opportunity to speak to a group of ladies in Texarkana, TX. She was invited by a couple who attended the same Bible College as us. Our friends have been inspired by our ministry efforts in New Mexico and asked Tara to share some of the ways we have been bold and courageous in our ministry over the years.
Proverbs 28:1, tells us that “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” God can and does use our boldness as Christians to transform cities and save lives. Our pro-life journey is a testimony to this truth and it is our hope that others will be inspired to boldly live out their faith and impact their communities for life.
From San Francisco, CA where we spoke last month to Texarkana, TX this month, when you partner with us in this ministry, you are sowing into our mission of making communities all across this nation Abortion Free.
Tara in Texarkana, TX this month.
Join Us In Our Prayer for New Mexico
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant us to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5-6
New Undercover Recording
On August 14th we released a new video with Priests for Life taken from an undercover phone call placed to Southwestern Women’s Options late term abortion facility that clearly explains how second and third trimester abortions are performed in New Mexico.
“Late term abortions are not as some say, ‘only done to save the lives of women’, they are performed to make Curtis Boyd huge profits at the expense of precious human lives,” stated Tara Shaver, Abortion Free New Mexico. In this call a $8,500 fee is quoted for an abortion at 25 weeks of pregnancy. A Manta.com search of Curtis Boyd in Albuquerque shows that his abortion business has an “annual revenue of $1 to $2.5 million.”
Watch video: This Is Late Term Abortion
“Americans continue, in large majorities, to reject late term abortion,” said Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “We will continue to expose it by undercover phone calls, so that the existence of these procedures, and their utter barbarity, will be indisputable in the minds and hearts of more and more of our fellow citizens, and that they will take action to end abortion.”
In our report detailing late term abortion Tara also forewarned the dangers posed to women by the late term abortion procedure…
“Southwestern Women’s Options uses an injection to stop the hearts of pre-born babies and a concoction of several medications to artificially induce labor in women and then sends them away to wait for their child to be born dead. This precarious cocktail of medications is and has resulted in serious life threatening complications. In May 2011 a patient at Southwestern Women’s Options was rushed to the emergency room after her uterus ruptured during the very same procedure documented in this call.”
To read the full report: This Is Late Term Abortion
The Inevitable has Happened…
We received an anonymous tip from someone who cared very much about a 23 year old woman who died during a late term abortion procedure. Through a public records request we confirmed this woman’s death and what appears to be a coverup of what really happened to her at Southwestern Women’s Options.
The deaths of women during abortion are inevitable and happen more often than one might think. Women come from all across the world to Albuquerque for late term abortions and those considering coming here deserve to know the dangers they face in doing so.
We were blessed to work with Operation Rescue to uncover and alert the public to this abortion death.
Please join us in prayer that this woman’s death will bring accountability to the abortion industry in New Mexico.
- Woman DEAD from Abortion at Late-Term Facility Currently Under Criminal Investigation
- Looking Deeper: Analysis of Facts Proves Woman Died from Abortion — Not Pregnancy
“We join the family of Keisha Atkins as they grieve her death from serious complications during a late term abortion at Southwestern Women’s Options. She was a 23-year old vibrant woman with her whole life ahead of her that was tragically cut short,” stated Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico. “For years we have worked to expose the barbaric nature of late term abortion in New Mexico and sought to bring accountability to the unregulated and unaccountable Abortion Cartel. Now more than ever, we need leadership in our city and state to take a bold stand and the necessary steps to prevent the needless deaths of women and their children through late term abortion.”
- To read the full reports visit ProLifeWitness.org
Please join us for the annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children in Albuquerque
This Year our Prayer service will take place at a site in Albuquerque where two abortion victims, Ryan and Eve are buried.
- When: Saturday, September 9th from
- Time: 10am-11am
- Location: Sandia Memory Garden
- Address: 9500 San Pedro Drive NE ABQ 87113
This solemn memorial service will last approximately one hour. Special guests participating in the event include Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: The Protest Priest.
To find a location near you visit abortionmemorials.com
- Join our Facebook event page and please share: National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children 9/9 (ABQ)
Buying or selling a home or commercial property?

You can support Pro-Life Witness at no cost to you by taking advantage of the Real Estate for Life program.
Call 1.877.543.3871 or email proliferealestate@yahoo.com for more information Visit www.realestateforlife.org to find a Pro-life Realtor!
- Click here for more information: Real Estate For Life
Love and Blessings, Bud and Tara
As full time Pro-Life Missionaries we are funded by everyday people like you. Help us continue to stand for life and expose the abortion industry in New Mexico by donating online or by sending a check made out to “Life Ministries U.S.” P.O. Box 50351, Albuquerque, NM 87181
- You may also schedule a convenient monthly donation here.
Thank you for your prayers and support on behalf of our ministry and our family. We love you all and keep you in our prayers.