By Tara Shaver
Los Lunas, NM- San Clemente Parish in Los Lunas, New Mexico raised the pro-life bar for churches on this Sunday anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, January 22, 2017… by hosting Protest ABQ. They didn’t just mention abortion from the pulpit or simply preach a pro-life sermon… They set up an Abortion Holocaust Museum in their church and had a 45 minute presentation led by their youth group titled, “The Silent Holocaust”. That’s how you reset the pro-life church bar for 2017!
Our family was very encouraged by this special presentation and by the zeal of the young people who are passionately pursuing a culture of life. Please join us in praying that our youth will continue to rise up and be a voice for the voiceless in this nation.
Read Operation Rescue’s encouraging latest report: Roe v. Wade Fade: Six States Have Only One Remaining Abortion Facility
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