Washington, D.C.- Red Rose Rescuer’s Bud Shaver, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato and Lauren Handy appeared in the Washington D.C. Superior court on July 23, 2019 for their March 19, 2019 Red Rose Rescue that took place at the notorious late term abortion center, Washington Surgi-Clinic. In a major victory, all charges against them have been dismissed. Washington Surgi-Clinic performs abortions on babies beyond 27 weeks of pregnancy.
- Full report from Life Site News: DC judge dismisses charges against priest, activists who tried to save babies inside abortion center
During a Red Rose Rescue devout Christians enter abortion facilities with red roses to distribute to pregnant mother’s that are present for their abortion appointments. Being present in the facility allows the rescuers to be prayerful and intentional as they sit with these women and urge them to leave and accept the help that is readily available to them. Red Rose Rescuers also serve to stand in solidarity with the babies that will be killed at the request of their own parents. These rescues are just one way that Christians can heed the call of Christ to carry their own cross and follow him.
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato issued the following statement,
“I’m glad the Red Rose Rescue charges were dismissed because of course we did nothing wrong. We are merely trying to save babies and bring more attention in Washington D.C. to the daily mass murder of pre-born children that is sanctioned, protected and funded by our government. Looking ahead, we also hope and pray that pending charges against another Red Rose Rescue Team who went into Capital Women’s Services in D.C. on March 19th are also dismissed at their trial that is scheduled for September 19, 2019.”

“Red Rose Rescuers have charges dismissed in the morning for March 19th Rescue and return to the Cesar Santangelo Surgi-clinic location in the afternoon to pray. Bud, Lauren, and I are joined by Matt Connelly who has also rescued in DC and elsewhere.” Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, director of LifeMinistriesUS.org
Bud Shaver issued the following statement,
“I am so thankful that the charges against us have been dismissed as myself, Fr. Stephen and Lauren Handy merely followed our conscience and acted on behalf of the innocent pre-born babies who die daily in our nation’s capital and across America. Instead of spending 7 days in jail, which was what I anticipated, we will continue to be with the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust for activism events in Washington D.C. and for bowling at the White House. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for and supported us in our efforts.”
Touring the White House with Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust.
