By Bud Shaver, Executive Director of Protest ABQ and Pro-Life Missionary at Pro-Life Witness
Our prayers go out to all those involved today in the senseless shooting at the Planned Parenthood located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We continue to pray for the law enforcement officers and all of those who were shot and for the safety of those currently responding to this ongoing situation.
Pro-Life Witness, Protest ABQ and Protest Child Killing stand in solidarity with Pro-Life groups condemning acts of violence. #AllLivesMatter Peaceful protest and prayer NOT Violence will end abortion. Stop ALL the Killing!
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, founder of Protest ABQ and Director of Protest Child Killing issued the following statement, “Those of us who protest pre-born child killing with Protest ABQ and Protest Child Killing never condone any act of violence, indeed we are protesting the violent act of abortion that kills pre-born children in the womb. We are committed to peacefully protesting this violence. Our prayers go out to all victims of violence.”
Operation Rescue and the Christian Defense Coalition issued the following press release:
Pro-Life Groups Condemn Violence at Colorado Planned Parenthood, Pray for Safety
Colorado Springs, CO — Operation Rescue and the Christian Defense Coalition are denouncing the violence that appears to be in progress at a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Details are still sketchy regarding the motives of the perpetrator and we urge the public not to draw any conclusions until police can make an official determination.
“Operation Rescue unequivocally deplores and denounces all violence at abortion clinics and has a long history of working through peaceful channels to advocate on behalf of women and their babies. We express deep concern for everyone involved and are praying for the safety of those at the Planned Parenthood office and for law enforcement personnel. We pray this tragic situation can be quickly resolved without further injury to anyone,” said Troy Newman President of Operation Rescue.
“Although we don’t know the reasons for the shooting near the Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs today, the pro-life movement is praying for the safety of all involved and as a movement we have always unequivocally condemned all forms of violence at abortion clinics. We must continually as a nation stand against violence on all levels.,” said Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, based in Washington, D.C.
As of this writing, the situation remains active and fluid. Operation Rescue and the Christian Defense Coalition urges people of good will everywhere to pray for a speedy and peaceful resolution to this situation and tweet their thoughts for the safety of those in danger under the hashtag #AllLivesMatter.
At the time of publishing this several other Pro-Life groups issued statements:
Fr. Frank Pavone and Pastoral Team of Priests for Life,
“Fr. Frank Pavone calls for Calm and Avoidance of Rash Judgment. Information is very sketchy about the currently active shooting situation in Colorado Springs. The Planned Parenthood was the address given in the initial call to the police, but we still do not know what connection, if any, the shooting has to do with Planned Parenthood or abortion.
As leaders in the pro-life movement, we call for calm and pray for a peaceful resolution of this situation.
What is motivating this shooting will become clearer in due time. We ask that in the meantime, nobody jump to conclusions regarding the connection between this violence and the controversy over abortion and Planned Parenthood, and we ask that people do not use this situation to inflame emotions on either side of the abortion issue.”
Fr. Terry Gensemer, Director, CEC For Life,
“The tragic situation in Colorado is still active, though details remain sketchy. CEC For Life has and always will use non-violent, peaceful means in our continued efforts to declare that All Life is Sacred. We condemn in the strongest way possible violence against those people who disagree with us on the issue of abortion. We are praying for a peaceful and speedy end to the situation in Colorado and pray for the safety of everyone on the scene.”
Rev. Katherine Marple, Keep Life Legal,
“At this time, it is unclear if the shooter(s) in #ColoradoSprings was targeting #PlannedParenthood or was just within proximity of it. In any event, it is abhorrent to us at KeepLifeLegal that anyone would use violence at any abortion facility for any reason in the United States. We are in continued prayer that this situation will come to a peaceful end.”
Rev. Rob Schenck, Faith and Action,
“Pray for an end to violence and especially for those injured in the ongoing Colorado Springs shooting. No one yet knows the motive of the shooter, but, violence against the innocent for any reason violates the Commandment against killing, contradicts the gospel and the model of Christ, and is inimical to the principle of the Sanctity of Life. God help us.”
UPDATE: Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Gunman Surrenders, 3 Dead Including Police Officer