Project 52 is an interdenominational church initiative engaging congregations for 52 weeks a year in promoting the sanctity of human life.
The vision of Project 52 is to activate 52 local churches to adopt the Late-Term abortion clinic, Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) for one week out of the year. Each church will have the freedom to minister as they see fit to each and every abortion minded woman. During their designated week, they will claim the Late-Term abortion clinic for every hour, every day SWO is open (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).
“Abortion in our community is a huge mountain that seems impossible to be moved on our own, however if every church in our city would step out with just a mustard seed sized faith, and share the love of Christ by serving the “least of these,” God will move the mountain in our community and we will see an end to abortion…and to God alone be the glory!” -Bud Shaver, Project Defending Life
What is Project 52?
Project 52 is an interdenominational church initiative engaging congregations for 52 weeks a year in promoting the sanctity of human life from the time of conception. Providing a framework for multi-faceted action to facilitate a culture honoring and understanding the value of Human life in all aspects of our society.
Why is Project 52 needed?
Abortion’s devastating repercussions affects every person and every church in our society. The ripples have decimated our population and our spiritual health for the past 40 years. Now barbaric late term abortions have made Albuquerque the “late term abortion capital of the southwest”. If followers of Jesus Christ do nothing to intervene, then we participate by our very silence.
How does Project 52 work?
Sign your Church up to “adopt” one week out of the year for focused Pro-life education and work. Call Rev. Spears at 505 710-4542 to select your week. Project 52 Kicks off on September 30, 2013. Churches can log in Volunteers and keep posted at http://www.meetup.com/Project-52
There are ways for every person in your congregation to become involved. Here are some of those options:
· Commit as a church to one week of prayer and sidewalk witness in front of the late term abortion clinic (training provided)
· Become educated on the repercussions of abortion (Brochures included)
· Preach a sermon or do classes for your congregation on the biblical view of child sacrifice ( Focus on the Family Brochure included in packet)
· Encourage members to become a regular sidewalk counselor (training provided) or to volunteer at a pregnancy center (training provided/ list of pregnancy centers included)
· Be prepared to refer to a pregnancy center or post abortion recovery program (resource list included)
· Encourage members to send post cards and letters to legislators and city council members. Write Letters to the editor.
· Encourage congregation to vote for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance and Support and to become educated on pro-life issues.
· Visit the legislature with Traditional Values Action Committee (TVAC), the Pregnancy Center Network or on your own
· Join a prayer group like the Albuquerque Prayer Initiative (API)
· Encourage members to seek post abortion healing (post abortion information and referral list included.)
· Schedule a video screening for your community of the movie 180 or Maafa21 or Project 52 video
Please join us as we embark on this journey of saving one women, one child, one week at a time.
“Project 52 is about bringing churches together, not in doctrine, but its about bringing churches together to try and save innocent babies whose voices have not even been heard yet. Jesus calls all of us to bear fruit and one thing that you can do as a church in this city, is you can stand for the lives of unborn children.” Pastor, Mark Mullaney of Jesus First
Watch this promo video to learn more about our latest effort to educate and active the Christian community in Albuquerque, New Mexico to end abortion in our city one woman, one child, one week at a time!
Sign your Church up to “adopt” one week out of the year for focused Pro-life education and work. Call Rev. Spears at 505 710-4542 to select your week. Project 52 Kicks off on September 30, 2013. Churches can log in Volunteers and keep posted at http://www.meetup.com/Project-52
Project-52 is an outreach of CSA