(Above: Picture of Baby Jonah)
Dear Friends,
This month we released an undercover video that gives a rare look from inside the nation’s largest late term abortion facility, Southwestern Women’s Options. This video is 5 minutes long and combines raw footage of dialogue with clinic staff and also exclusive interviews with the undercover investigator detailing her unique account of what it was like to go inside of a late term abortion center while pregnant at 37 weeks gestation.
Felicia, the undercover investigator, had been given two genetic tests that were positive for Trisomy 18, also called Edwards’ Syndrome, that causes severe developmental delays due to an extra chromosome 18. This made Felicia the ideal operative for going inside Southwestern Women’s Options to uncover just how far into the pregnancy they would perform a third trimester abortion. During her consultation with Susana Estorga, a clinic employee, Estorga counsels Felicia and prepares her for the 4 day long procedure that begins with an injection into the womb through either the abdominal wall or vaginally. This injection causes a fetal heart attack that stops the baby’s heart over the course of 4-6 grueling hours. She is also told that the procedure will cost $17,000 and was instructed on how to obtain New Mexico Medicaid to have the procedure paid for with state tax dollars.
Two days after what would have been Felicia’s “fake” abortion appointment, at 38 weeks of pregnancy, she went into labor at home and later delivered a healthy baby boy, Jonah.
“But you, O Lord my God, snatched me from the jaws of death!” Jonah 2:6
“Southwestern Women’s Options shows no bounds when it comes to performing late term abortions on babies with birth defects, even as late as 37 weeks gestation. In addition this case proves that there are, in fact, a percentage of women who receive false positive testing for birth defects diagnosed in utero. The inconclusive genetic testing and often misdiagnosis offered by genetic counselors are a death sentence for vulnerable babies in the womb. This is an appalling revelation that the community at large must question, especially when these genetic tests are then used to pressure women into obtaining lucrative late term abortions that our latest video reveals can cost, up to $17,000,” stated Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico.
- LifeSiteNews report: Undercover video: Late-term abortion center offers to abort baby at 37 weeks for $17,000
- Live Action coverage: Caught on tape: Late-term abortion facility offers to abort 37-week baby for $17,000
- FaithWire coverage: WATCH: Undercover Video Shows What Happens When Woman Asks to Terminate Baby at 37-Weeks
- One News Now: An eye-opening estimate for a late-term abortion
Church Militant wrote an extensive report about this latest project and an exclusive profile piece about our work over the past 7 years here in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
“Bud and Tara Shaver, pro-life advocates dedicated to ending abortion in America, were commissioned to Albuquerque by Operation Rescue in 2010. They have been working full-time to “bring our culture and community to a point … where New Mexico understands and embraces a culture of life.”
Church Militant spoke with Tara Shaver about their latest project, investigating Southwestern Women’s Options to see just how close to birth they were willing to abort. Shaver said, “We’d been praying for an informant or someone to come forward with information,” when Felicia (last name withheld) approached the group through a mutual friend…
- Continue reading the full report by Church Militant: CM EXCLUSIVE: INTERVIEW WITH NEW MEXICO’S PRO-LIFE INVESTIGATORS
In addition, we also released a more in-depth interview with Felicia, who went undercover into Southwestern Women’s Options, the nation’s most notorious late term abortion facility, while 37 weeks pregnant.
In this in-depth follow up interview, Felicia shares more about what it was like going into the late term facility. She discusses her emotions while inside, her interactions with clinic staff, and how the late term procedure is performed over 3-4 days. She also shares her reaction when told that the procedure will cost $17,000 and about how she was instructed to obtain NM Medicaid to have the procedure paid for with state tax dollars. Felicia ends the interview with words of encouragement aimed at women who may be facing a similar fetal anomaly diagnosis while pregnant and speaks to the sanctity of all human life.
“This project has uncovered the shocking reality that the medical community is knowingly relying on faulty and misleading genetic testing that leads women to local abortion facilities to kill their babies. According to known published studies, 60% of prenatal tests can come back with false positives on babies without any genetic defects,” stated Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico.
40 Days for Life: Albuquerque, New Mexico
We joined former Albuquerque Mayoral Candidate Michelle Garcia Holmes and her husband Earl for prayer and protest outside the Planned Parenthood surgical center in Albuquerque!
While Michelle did not win the mayoral election we are so thankful to have gotten to know her and support a candidate that loves the Lord and cares for our city and those who reside in it, including precious babies in the womb.
We’re praying that the Lord will use Michelle to continue to be a voice for life and truth in New Mexico. Thank you for your prayers and for standing with our family as we work to light up the darkness in our state.
Join Us in Our Prayer for New Mexico:
“I cried out to the Lord in my great trouble, and he answered me. I called to you from the land of the dead, and Lord, you heard me!” Jonah 2:2
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- Click here for more information: Real Estate For Life
Love and Blessings, Bud and Tara
We’ve been working hard to expose the New Mexico abortion cartel… Prayerfully consider a one-time year end tax deductible donation so we can finish 2017 strong!
As full time Pro-Life Missionaries we are funded by everyday people like you. Help us continue to stand for life and expose the abortion industry in New Mexico by donating securely online at ProLifeWitness.org or by sending a tax-deductible check made out to: “Life Ministries U.S.” P.O. Box 50351, Albuquerque, NM 87181
- You may also schedule a convenient monthly donation here.
Thank you for your prayers and support on behalf of our ministry and our family. We love you all and keep you in our prayers.