Dear Friends,
This month, Abortion Free New Mexico, with the help of local sidewalk counselors, documented two botched abortions in January of this year at Southwestern Women’s Options late term abortion facility that required medical transport to University of New Mexico Hospital. These emergencies occurred on January 10 and January 31. Ironically these botched abortions occurred while New Mexico Democrat legislators in Santa Fe are set to STRIP AWAY THE LAST PROTECTIONS for women!

Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement,
“New Mexico is already one of the least restrictive states when it comes to abortion. We are also home to the largest late term abortion facility outside of communist China. Due to New Mexico’s lack of common sense regulations women who come to New Mexico for late-term abortions from all across the world remain in constant danger. The abortion cartel in New Mexico is unregulated and out of control, and yet the Democratic party is seeking to make sure we have absolutely zero protections for women by stripping away the only common sense provisions in New Mexico’s criminal abortion statute. These minimal but necessary provisions include a woman’s right to consent to an abortion and the requirement that only licensed physicians may perform abortions. Can we really expect the numbers of abortion injuries to decrease in light of these proposed changes in the law?”
BREAKING: 34 Botched Abortions Now CONFIRMED At Southwestern Women’s Options Since 2008
Since 2008, members of Abortion Free New Mexico with the help of Operation Rescue and local pro-life street activists have documented 20 abortion related injuries at Southwestern Women’s Options which include at least one confirmed woman’s death!
- Visit AbortionFreeNM.com click on “VIDEO” tab to listen to the 911 calls
NMAFL, a local pro-life group, recently released their log of 17 medical emergencies, that have been sustained by women during botched abortions at Southwestern Women’s Options, which have resulted in emergency transports by ambulance since 2014.
This log includes confirmation of 3 abortion related injures that members of Abortion Free New Mexico previously reported on but were never able to obtain CAD reports or 911 calls for. These include:
- February 13, 2014: Ambulances Rush to Nation’s Largest Late-Term Abortion Clinic After Two Botched Abortions
- March 27, 2014: 16th Botched Abortion at Late Term Abortion Clinic In ABQ!
- December 19, 2014: Ambulance Video: Seventeenth Known Medical Emergency at New Mexico Late-Term Abortion Clinic
The release of an additional 14 documented medical emergencies by NMAFL brings the staggering total of botched abortions at Southwestern Women’s Options ALONE since 2008 to 34!
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico released the following statement,
“34 is a staggering number of women who have been injured at the largest late term abortion facility outside of Communist China. Abortion facilities in New Mexico are currently completely unregulated, they are never inspected by the Dept. of Health and according to a New Mexico Medical Board ruling from 2011, there is no standard of care applicable when performing invasive abortion procedures. The 1969 Criminal Abortion Law currently in the cross hairs of radical pro-abortion extremists is not antiquated, as they claim. These 34 botched abortions prove that the 1969 law requirement that dangerous abortions be performed in an accredited hospital, should not be stripped from New Mexico law, but should be strictly enforced. The notion that abortions are safe for women is simply not true. The fact is, that the status quo that the pro-abortion community insists on maintaining with the passage of HB 51 DECRIMINALIZE ABORTION will just ensure that the number of women injured and their dead babies will just continue to pile up at the hands of late term abortionists.”

“Whoa Bud, SLOW DOWN, we are trying to take ALL this in!”

Enough Catholic Senators to Stop PRO-DEATH LEGISLATION If Vote Their Faith
The three bishops of New Mexico recently issued a statement in opposition to two pro-death pieces of legislation, HB 51 DECRIMINALIZE ABORTION and HB 90/ SB 153 ELIZABETH WHITEFIELD END OF LIFE OPTIONS ACT because abortion and assisted suicide are not in line with a consistent life ethic.
“Thursday, February 7, 2019 – We, the bishops of New Mexico, strongly voice opposition to proposed bills HB 51 (Decriminalization of Abortion), HB 90 and SB 153 (Legalization of Assisted Suicide). We support a consistent ethic of life. We have studied the legislation through the lens of the Gospel and Catholic moral and social teaching. We stand unified against any legislation that weakens the defense of life and threatens the dignity of the human being.”
HB51 and HB 90/ SB 153 can be stopped in the New Mexico Senate when Catholic legislators, regardless of political affiliation, vote their faith and stand with the Bishops of New Mexico.
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Director of Life Ministries U.S. issued the following statement, “The bishops of New Mexico have made it clear that they oppose these bills and have strongly stated the Catholic Church’s teaching against abortion and assisted suicide. I pray and I am hopeful that our Catholic State Senators stand by their faith and with the bishops of New Mexico and oppose these bills promoting abortion and assisted suicide which are always anathema to our Catholicism.”
The balance of power in the New Mexico Senate is:
26 Democrats
16 Republicans
(If there is a tie the Lt. Governor cast the deciding vote.)
We need 6 Catholic Democrats to OPPOSE HB 51
Please Call and Email these Catholic Senators:
- Senator Pete Campos – (D) District 8 Phone: (505) 986-4311 Email: pete.campos@nmlegis.gov
- Senator Joseph Cervantes – (D) District 31 Phone: (505) 986-4861 Email: Joseph@cervanteslawnm.com
- Senator Carlos R. Cisneros – (D) District 6 Phone: (505) 986-4362 Email: carlos.cisneros@nmlegis.gov
- Senator Richard C. Martinez – (D) District 5 Phone: (505) 986-4487 Email: richard.martinez@nmlegis.gov
- Senator George K. Munoz – (D) District 4 Phone: (505) 986-4371 Email: senatormunoz@gmail.com
- Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino– (D) District 12 Phone: (505) 986-4482 Email: jortizyp@msn.com
- Senator John Pinto– (D) District 3 Phone: (505) 986-4835 Email: none
- Senator Michael Padilla – (D) District 14 Phone: (505) 986-4267 Email: michael.padilla@nmlegis.gov
- Senator Clemente Sanchez – (D) District 30 Phone: (505) 986-4513 Email: clemente.sanchez@nmlegis.gov
- Senator John M. Sapien – (D) District 9 Phone: (505) 986-4301 Email: john.sapien@nmlegis.gov
- Senator William E. Sharer – (R) District 1 Phone: (505) 986-4381 Email: bill@williamsharer.com
- Senator James P. White – (R) District 19 Phone: (505) 986-4395 Email: james.white@nmlegis.gov

“Liberal logic dictates that if you are a legislator and your faith contradicts their radical leftist agenda then you should leave your faith and morals at the door. However, they do not mind if you invoke your faith to justify voting their leftist agenda. In fact, Representative Debra M. Sariñana – (D) did just that, on the house floor, when she invoked her Catholic faith to support the radical bill HB 51 which will remove New Mexico’s 1969 Criminal Abortion law. This law was enacted to protect New Mexico women from the dangers of obtaining an elective abortion from unlicensed physicians at unregulated substandard clinics with their full consent.
Unfortunately, Catholic Democrats in New Mexico tend to vote the democrat party line instead of their faith. On the contrary, Republican Catholics proudly vote their values and against abortion and assisted suicide legislation, while New Mexico Catholic Democrats have a tendency to compromise their values and put their party before their faith. Thanks to the three Bishops of New Mexico who have boldly and courageously set the moral standard for how a Catholic legislator should vote, we want to encourage faithful Catholic Democrats to stand with their Bishops and in accordance with their faith to OPPOSE HB 51 and HB 90/ SB 153,” stated Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico.
Thank you for standing with us for life!
We are a Christian missionary family serving in Albuquerque, NM. Putting our faith into action, for the past 8 years we have exposed Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the nation and have worked to bring accountability to an unregulated abortion industry that is killing children in their mothers wombs up to the day of birth.
In order to be the most effective in our pro-life ministry, we do this important work full time while homeschooling our children and raising them to have a biblical worldview. We rely solely on the provision of the Lord and individuals like you to provide for our daily needs.
We are pursuing and working toward an abortion free New Mexico, where every pre-born child is valued and protected.
We would be blessed to have you partner with us in this ministry. Your prayers and support are invaluable.
*You can schedule a secure monthly or one time tax deductible donation online. Please visit: prolifewitness.org Simply click the DONATE tab and select Bud and Tara- Pro-Life Witness from the drop down ministry menu.
*Checks made out to Life Ministries U.S. are tax deductible.
We thank the Lord for you and pray for you. Please feel free to send us your specific prayer requests in the return envelope or by email.
Blessings, Bud and Tara Shaver

That the New Mexico Criminal Abortion Statute will remain in effect. Specifically that Catholic senators oppose HB51 when they vote.

The closure of New Mexico’s last 5 remaining abortion facilities.

More awareness in our state, especially in the churches about abortion in our state and what they can do to partner with us to end it.

Passionate leaders to remain engaged politically and for God to open doors for the next election cycle that godly leaders will be appointed.
“The last enemy to be destroyed is death.” (1 Corinthians 15:26 )
Other ways to sow into an Abortion Free New Mexico
- Tithe a portion of your tax return to our ministry.
- Contact Real Estate for Life when buying or purchasing a home.
- Select Life Ministries US as your charitable organization at smile.Amazon.com
- Share this newsletter with others.
- Like us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @AbortionFreeNM.
We’re humbled to have you partner with us in our ministry here in New Mexico.
May the Lord bless you and your family. Know that you are always in our prayers.