By Bud Shaver
Albuquerque, New Mexico- Last week we were blessed to talk with Fr. Frank Pavone, of Priests for Life, on End Abortion TV. This provided a great opportunity for us to educate his audience about the late term abortion crisis in New Mexico. It is hard for others to believe that late term abortion even occurs at all, but in New Mexico it is all too common. This is why we have fought so hard for over a decade for the lives of the precious innocent children who are scheduled to die each week in Albuquerque during barbaric late term abortions. Please watch our interview and share this email with others. By educating others lives are saved. May our prayers for a better New Mexico, where every child is valued and protected become a reality in 2021.
Faith to Action Friday Continues in February
“If we accomplish nothing else, we must succeed in protesting the evil of our generation!” Bud Shaver, Abortion Free New Mexico
Stand Up For Life in front of the University of New Mexico’s free standing abortion facility.
- Join Us: Faith to Action Friday December 11th.
- Time: 10-11am
- Location: 2301 Yale Blvd. SE. in Albuquerque.
- Use street parking on Renard.
- Click here to learn more
Faith to Action Friday will begin again on Friday, February 5th. We look forward to being prayerfully on the sidewalk in front of the UNM Center for Reproductive Health abortion center where abortions are performed up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. Please join us and bring a friend.
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21
Happy New Year 2021!